For the past 14 minutes, Rain and I have been cuddled together, our bodies pressed closely against each other. As my fingers gently caress her back, I can't help but feel a sense of sympathy for her. It pains me to know that she has little to none of the care and support at home that I am able to provide for her. It's truly heartbreaking to know her friends display such unkind behavior, always acting like little bitches. And her mom, she always blames it on her.
" Rain, I know its tough, and I am going to miss you so much. But its time to go to dance," I tell her gently, trying to console her as best I can. Seeing the sadness in her eyes, I feel my own heart breaking. The tears well up and eventually start pouring out uncontrollably. I pull her close and hold her tightly in my arms, wishing that I could freeze time and stay with her forever. I remind myself that I need to gather all of her things. With a lingering kiss on her forehead, I make my way to her room, gathering her bag quickly.
As I walk back downstairs, I can still hear her sobs echoing throughout the house. Every sob sends a shard of pain straight to my heart, as if it's breaking a little more with each cry. Urgency fills my every step as I hurry to be by her side once again. I find her on the couch, tears soaking her face, struggling to put on her Converse shoes with her trembling hands.
Kneeling down on the floor beside her, I gently help her tie the laces, trying my best to comfort her. I whisper soothing words, reassuring her that everything will be alright. Though her sobs continue to consume her, I stay strong for both of us, Because I am just as sad, if not more, about her leaving. I don't know how I am going to get her to dance on time, especially considering the fact that I'm probably not going to be able to make it happen easily. I realize there's not much time left, so I quickly finish up the last lace on her shoe. Just when I think everything is ready, she surprises me by pushing herself off the couch and into my arms, seeking comfort. With a sigh, I hold her tightly, understanding that deep down she's aware of the fact that she needs to leave, yet she can't help but cling to me. It breaks my heart to see her like this.
"Please, I don't want to leave." She says through sobs.
Gently, I stand up, still carrying her in my arms, and carefully peel her off me, wrapping my arm around her small waist. I guide her towards the door, the sound of her sobs intensifying with every step we take. The weight of the situation becomes even more apparent as we step out of the house, her cries growing stronger and louder, echoing through the air.
Temporarily leaving her side, I quickly make my way to the backseat to put her bag in. I return to her side, fully aware of the time ticking away. With a gentle touch and a sense of urgency, I assist her in getting into the passenger seat, making sure she's as comfortable as possible even through the emotional chaos. I plant what felt like 100 kisses on her wet cheek before closing the car door. As I walk around to the driver's seat, I start the car and pull up the navigation to the dance studio using the directions on my phone. Her loud sobs are loud, weighing heavily on my heart. With a sigh, I reach over to the phone stand in my car and carefully place my phone. As I adjust my seatbelt, the intensity of her sobs escalates, almost reaching a point where I fear she might unleash a piercing scream. Tears glistening in her eyes, she turns towards me, her voice choked with overwhelming emotion.
"Taylor," she cries, her voice trembling and her body wracked with sobs. "I-I'm co-ld," she stammers with hiccups, her vulnerability tugging at my heartstrings. Swiftly, I release one hand from the steering wheel and I take off my sweater, and hand it to her. With a mix of gratitude and desperation, she reaches out and clutches it tightly to her chest, as if its me. "You gunna put it on?" I softly ask her. She turns her head to meet my gaze, her eyes filled with longing. Slowly, she shakes her head no, but holds the sweater close to her chest, finding comfort in its soft embrace.

✧ * 𝐒 𝐚 𝐟 𝐞 𝐚 𝐧 𝐝 𝐒 𝐨 𝐮 𝐧 𝐝 *✧
Não Ficção⟶ 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 A 13 year old girl, born September 28th, 2010. Black short-ish hair, 5 foot 2, hazel eyes. She grew up in a nice house, nice parents, nice siblings, nice life. Her social life though? Horrible. We're her parents ever...