𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐰

827 26 6

Rains Pov:

Taylor smells so good. She smells like warm vanilla and strawberrys. I remeber laying in my bed and just wondering what she smelled like, or if i would ever find out. 

This is kinda weird actually, for all Taylor knows, I coulf have a gun. I dont, but she doesnt know that. She just found a random kid on the sidewalk and let her shower in her house and takes care of her. I dont know if thats extremly nice, or extremly dumb. Dont get me wrong I love that Taylor took me in im so grateful, but what if I was like, well idk, dangerous? All this thinking is making me tired. Yea I lied when she asked if I was gunna be able to make it through dinner and a movie. Im exhausted, but I also dont want to go to bed because then it will be tomorrow and ill need to go home and I really dont want to. Speaking of home and mom, we still havent called my mom. And im nit going to remind Taylor. But if we call her, she'll want to pick me up and I just cant go home. Especially because now im with Taylor, and I dont want to leave.

I adjust myself in Taylors arms, trying to get more comftorable. My wet hair is seeping through my sweater and onto my pillow, its not comfy. I wish I had like a hair tie.

"Taylor, do you have a hair tie?" I sit up and ask her. She sits up behind me and runs ber fingers through my hair. 

" I do, can I braid your hair?" she asks me. Nobody has reallyvasked me that before, no one has ever done my hair for me.

"You would do that?" I turn and ask her. 

"Of course! Your hair is so pretty. Come sit infront of me." she pats a spot on the bed and I scootch over so that my hair is in her reach. The movie is still playing and we are about a fourth way through. Taylors hands make there way to the top of my head and her fingers gather all the hair into peices. I dont know what shes doing that makes this feel so good. But im in heaven. Her fingers keep brushing against my skin every now and then. I can feel her tying the very end if my hair with a rubber band, she lets go and the braid falls onto my back. Taylor immidietly wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me into her chest. I laugh at her.

 "Thank you, Taylor," I look up to her to say. She smiles back down at me.  I think for a moment before saying,

" I guess we should call my mom now." I look down and frown. As much as I really dont want to, I  know that if I wait till tomorrow to tell her, she would kill me. I sit up and climb off Taylors lap. 

" Do you want me to call her or you?" she sits up and asks. 

"Um, can you?" I bite my cheeck and ask. She nods her head and picks her phone up off the bedside table. I tell Taylor my moms number and she hits the call button. 

"come her buddy," Taylor waves me over to her. I scoot myslef next to her and slowly rest my head on her shoulder. She wraps her arm around me and we wait for my mom to pick up. We sit in silence except for the phone ringing, waiting for my mom to pick up. Suddenly, the riging stops and I hear the familiure voice of my mom.

"Hello this is Jennie," my mom says. Taylor squeezes my shoulder before responding.

" Hi, yes this is Taylor Swift I-" she gets cut off by my mom,

"Taylor Swift? Im sorry but if this is a prank call im hanging up" I roll my eyes and start picking my nails. I look at Taylor and she looks taken back. 

"Um no sorry, this is Taylor." I watch as she says.

"Im sorry but unless you can prove it, I haft to go." Taylor, looking even more taken back, turns the call into a facetime, waiting for her to pick up. I move out of the frame so that my mom cant see me. She picks up the phone. My mom is sat at her work desk with her glasses. Her face when she saw Taylor, was pricless. " Oh my god, why are you calling me?" my mom smiles at her, Taylor smiles back and takes a deep breathe.

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