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Sid was tired. He'd came off a road trip with two wins and a loss, the latter not something he was happy about . He was never happy when his team lost, because as the captain, he wanted to lead to his team to victory for every game. They got back to Pittsburgh pretty late and instead of going to bed, he'd ended up in his gym at home, smashing out a two hour work out before he finally took a shower and went to bed. He'd started working out more at home, especially when Kathy wasn't home. That was becoming a more frequent situation and he was lucky if he saw her once a week, they'd drifted apart quite a bit which was hard for him because she'd been with him so long, it was weird her not being so present anymore.

They barely argued, she had supported him through a shit load of ups and downs but over the last eight months or so, they just hadn't been on the same page. The sex wasn't there anymore, they'd tried a few times but he knew deep down it just wasn't working, it was still good sex but nowhere near what they were familiar with. It was just off.

He had texted her when he woke up, asking her if she was going to be home tonight because they needed to talk. He took another shower before getting dressed and packing up his bag, he was going to morning skate which was optional but since he was home alone with nothing better to do, he thought he may as well fill in his time. 

"Hey Duper." He nodded a hello as he walked into the locker room, seeing his buddy already in his skates. "How's it goin'?"

"A little achey, my leg feels a little off."

"From that hit?" Sid put his bag down and removed his jacket, looking at Pascal as he just quietly nodded. "Shit."

"I gotta speak to coach, it's just not feeling right."

"Hopefully it's nothing, eh? Got my fingers crossed, buddy."

"See you out there." 

Sid nodded, watching Pascal walking out of the locker room to the rink. There was an evident limp and he just knew he was getting scratched for the game tomorrow night, there was no way coach would let him skate with a limp and he wasn't confident he'd even skate through the morning skate. He checked his phone quickly to see that Kathy had texted him, he sat down on the bench to read it and she'd told him she was at her parents but would come home tonight to talk. He was already not looking forward to it, the last thing he wanted was for them to argue.

Twenty minutes went by before he was ready to head out onto the ice, he was looking forward to a few hours of drills and working on some power plays to get his mood up. That, followed by a late lunch with a few of the boys was going to hopefully mean a good day. He needed to keep himself busy until he could see Kathy tonight, he was really starting to miss her and he hoped tonight they could sort it all out. 

Aly had been in a meeting all morning. The Pens were on target to clinch a playoff spot which meant the organisation was starting to prepare for a possible win and what would need to be done, just in case. The meeting consisted of several department heads and they were discussing everything from promotional merchandise, advertising, TV and Radio coverage and of course the parade if they won. The parade would be followed by a party at Mario's but he was going to take care of that and if they won, the party would be the day after they got the cup. Aly was tasked with getting ring sizes for all the players and their partners, if they won they'd be sent off to their jeweller and a ceremony would take place. The best part about it, she would get her own ring as part of the organisation and she really wanted the hardware, she had a good feeling about the season this year, they were on fire.

She'd gone down to the training rink because she was meeting up with Kiley who was in town, she was taking her out for lunch before she spent some time with her parents before heading back to Boston. She grabbed her thermal jacket before she headed into the rink, hearing Mike screaming at the guys as they ran a drill. It sounded like positive screaming so she didn't need to approach with caution, seeing there was only a few guys there. She saw Kiley sat on the bench and her heels made a clanking noise as she stepped up into it, making both Sullivans look at her.

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