Blade X GN!Reader ~ Affection

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When it came to you, you were very affectionate. Physical touch was your favorite way to show your love. Kisses, hugs, and holding hands were all things you loved to do. However, your boyfriend Blade was the opposite of you. He didn't shy away from you when you tried to do things like hold his hand, but he never initiated anything. You didn't mind it much, but it did make you hesitant to be as touchy as you normally were in case he didn't like it.

Still, you wanted to be affectionate and show Blade you loved him, so you decided to risk it.

You found Blade sitting on a couch, scrolling through his phone, unaware of you, until you sat down next to him and placed your head on his shoulder.

"Hey, Blade~" You cooed, trying to snuggle closer to him.

He put his phone down, turning to look at you with an unreadable expression on his face.

"What are you trying to do?" He asked, already knowing you were up to something based on that little mischievous look you had on your face.

"Oh, nothing..." You said, cooly.

"I'm just trying to show you some affection." You finished, giving him a little kiss on the cheek at the end.

Blade's eyes slightly widened at the kiss that you gave him, making him scoff and turn his head away from you. You backed away from him, worried that you did something wrong.

"I-I'm sorry. I can stop if you want." You stuttered.

"No," Blade said, turning to look at you, a small hint of red on his cheeks. "I just wasn't expecting that. I'm just not used to this kind of stuff. But if you want to, you can do it again."

You smiled shyly before going in to give Blade another kiss on the cheek. Giggling at the small smile Blade was trying to hide.

The kisses continued. This time, you kissed him everywhere. From the tip of his nose, his forehead, and the bottom of his jaw, making sure to get every inch of his face except the lips (for now). Each time you kissed him, you could hear little noises of content coming from Blade. You placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth before stopping to cup his cheeks.

"Do you like this?" You asked, pushing his bangs back and staring into Blade's crimson eyes.

"Hmm..." Blade hummed, leaning slightly into your touch. " I do, but..." He said, grabbing your waist and placing you on his lap. " I feel you've been holding out on me."

Your face heated up at suddenly being on Blade's lap. You were surprised at how much he seemed to be enjoying this. But it's not like you could say you hated all this.

"Oh yeah?" You asked, deciding to play dumb. "How so?"

Blade sighed before pulling you in by the waist and kissing you on the lips.

"That's how." He whispered into your lips before kissing you again.

Blade wrapped his arms around your waist while you wrapped your arms around him in response, leaning into his kiss. He started kissing you slowly, but the longer he went on, the needier he got, kissing you with a feverish passion and hunger, slowly moving his hands from your waist to under your shirt and up your back.

Your head was spinning from all the intimacy, barely able to keep your thoughts together as Blade forced your mouth open and slipped his tongue in. It was intoxicating, the way his tongue danced with yours.

You broke off the kiss, both you and Blade panting. You felt a squeeze of your waist, followed by a raspy chuckle. You put your face on his chest, your face heated up again.

"That went better than I thought." You mumbled into Blade's chest.

"Then do you want to do it again?" Moving your chin up to look at him.

Laughing, you went in for another kiss.


Y/N: kisses Blade

Blade: What is this?

Y/N: Affection

Blade: Disgusting

Blade: ...

Blade: Do it again

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