HSR Character Hobbies + You

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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔 ~ "It's not really a hobby, but I used to read a lot..."

♡ Dan Heng stopped reading when he joined the Astral Express and instead focused his attention on the Archives, but after he got together with you and saw how much you loved to read, he decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to start reading again. He could spend hours reading with you as long as you two are cuddled together in the quietness of the Archives apart from the soft sounds of pages turning. Even if the type of books you read isn't what Dan Heng would read himself, he has no problem listening to your rants about your stories, even trying his best to comfort you when you're crying about a character you love dying. And whenever you recommend a book or just say that a certain book is "really good", he makes sure to start reading it, something that you love about him.

𝒦𝒶𝒻𝓀𝒶 ~ "I especially love velvet coats, they're so fragile and beautiful. Difficult to maintain — you only have to be a tiny bit careless to ruin the sheen."

♡ Shopping with Kafka is always a fun experience, but when it comes to shopping for just coats, it becomes something else entirely. She could spend from the time that the stores open to the time that they close with your hand in hers, dragging you from store to store looking at luxurious velvet coats and modeling them for you. But Kafka's not just there for herself, no, it is a MUST that her lover also gets a fabulous coat. She'll consider your tastes and whatever will look the best on you to make sure her little darling gets the perfect coat, and once she's found it and sees you wearing it, she is convinced that there could never be a person more beautiful than you. And you don't need to worry about paying, it's Kafka's treat.

𝒮𝒾𝓁𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒲𝑜𝓁𝒻 ~ "Burying my head under a pillow for a siesta, and pinching cute things."

♡ A short nap was Silver Wolf's favorite way to recharge whenever she got too tired from a mission and didn't feel like gaming, you with her. Silver Wolf would bury you and her under a mound of blankets, pillows, and plushies, laying her head on top of your chest, claiming that this was the most comfortable way to sleep when you complained that it was hot. But you pushed through the heat with the sight of your girlfriend peacefully snoozing on top of you, looking so cute that you couldn't resist leaving a small kiss on top of her forehead. And when Silver Wolf wakes up, she can't help but pinch your cheeks whether you're sleeping or awake, giggling because she also finds you adorable.

𝒢𝑒𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒹 ~ "I grow flowers, *sigh* ...It's just that I'm not very good at it."

♡ In your and Gepard's shared home, there is a tiny garden that the two of you keep together, filled with an abundance of beautiful flowers, especially magnolia, white jasmine, and baby's breath (even if they are not as healthy and vibrant as you two wished they were.) Despite that, you two still have fun gardening together, getting your hands dirty while planting the seeds, watching the flowers go from tiny sprouts to full blooms, and even sometimes taking some flowers from the garden to turn them into small bouquets and giving them to Serval, Lynx, and Pela. And when Gepard is too busy patrolling and protecting Belebog, it is your personal duty to make sure that the flowers are taken care of until he returns. The garden that Geparp keeps is his secret pride (even if it is true that he's not that good at growing flowers), so it makes him happy to see that you care for it as much as him.

𝒟𝓇. 𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜 ~ "I can't stay away from books and bathtubs, especially the former. When one's head is stuffed with filth, one's body is no cleaner."

♡ For the most part, Dr. Ratio prefers to take his baths alone, but there are times when you ask so sweetly if you can join him and he just can't say no. When you decide to join him, you'll set up the bathroom for the both of you, with small candles on the floor, lavender-infused bubbles swimming on top of the water, and your personal favorite, a little rubber duckie that you got to match Dr. Ratio's. When he's in the tub with you, he likes having your back against his, one arm on your shoulder, and his free hand holding the latest textbook he's reading. But if you ask to wash his hair or back, he'll remark how he can do that himself and that he doesn't need help, but that's just his way of hiding how much he truly adores the feeling of your hands softly running through his hair and scrubbing his back, so despite his complaints, he's more than happy to let you clean him.

𝒜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾 ~ "I have a preference for thick, crusty baguettes. Slice them thinly so they're easier to store — a crucial snack for extended voyages."

♡ Before setting off on long journeys, there's nothing more that Argenti loves than spending the whole day with you in the kitchen baking bread. While he does prefer baguettes, he also loves trying to bake other types of bread products that you suggest, like rolls or pretzels, and taking them with him if he can, if not, don't worry, you two can just eat them after. To Argenti, it doesn't matter whether you're a good baker or not, for him it's the moment you two spend together, trying out new recipes, laughing at each other's flour-covered selves, and the warmth of the kitchen where you make precious memories with your lover.


AN: Hi! Thank you so much for 1K reads 💗It truly means a lot to me that people like reading my works so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that I don't update much but high school and lack of motivation is really kicking my ass 😅 however, I'll try my best to post more with both my books (and also thank you to whoever has also read my Genshin book for 1.2K reads! I know I haven't updated that book in a hot minute but the HSR brainrot is taking over me and I don't really have any ideas for it).  Anyway, thanks again and hope to see you again. Bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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