Chapter 2

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Clary's P.O.V

I am so getting fed up with One Direction. They're all these girls at school are talking, and in some cases, squealing about. It's really annoying, and not only that but I have to hear it all the time at home or anywhere I go because Dani and Amy keep going on and on about how talented and hot they are. Ugh! I just want it all to stop, and what makes things worse is that they landed yesterday. If I have to hear about them one more time, I swear I am going to jump into a volcano. 

*After School*

School just finished and my cousins and I are walking home. I decided to take the long way home so that I can get that new action figure Zander wanted. I said goodbye to my cousins and started walking to the store. I was listening to music on the way there, Problem by Ariana Grande and Iggy was playing. I need to know this song like the back of my hand because that's the next cover we will be putting up on Youtube.

I got to the store, entering and looking for the action figure. While looking for it, I heard a whole bunch of screaming coming from outside and then the door opening and closing. I looked towards the door where the screaming has gotten louder, and saw two boys and two big guys with them, standing in front of the screaming girls behind the doors. There was one boy who looked to be 5'11 with blond hair (that you can easily tell is dyed) and pale skin, while the other boy seemed to be around 6'0 with short brown hair and tan skin.

Judging by the girls screaming with these boys' faces on them, I am guessing they are a part of one direction. Oh it's my lucky day, note the sarcasm. After finding the toy and walking up to the cash to pay for it, I felt someone staring at me. When I got the toy in a bag back, I started walking to the door where both boys were looking at me with wide eyes. I guess they think I am a fan and I'm going to attack them, ha fat chance. I would rather gouge my eyes out then do that. They were in my way, blocking my path to the door and I couldn't get through.

"Um can you guys move?" I asked. They looked at each other and then me with a confused expression on their faces. "Please?" I tried again. "Are you not going to scream in our faces? Rip our clothes off?" The guy with the short brown hair said, I detected a British accent. So I was right, they were from across the pond. "No but I will possibly threaten you with bodily harm using my fists, knees, and feet if you don't move away from the door," I replied with fake sweetness, hoping they will move so that I can get home and give the toy to Zander. 

"Oh right, sorry love. I'm Liam by the way and this over here is my mate Niall," the brown haired boy, or as I now know is named Liam said. "That's cool but I could care less about who you are, so if you would please be kind enough to step out of my way, I have to get home now," I told them. They moved and I started to walk to the door. Next step, try to get passed some screaming hormonal teenagers. This should be fun.

"Okay! Move, make a hole!" I yelled once outside. People were starting to move but it was still really hard to move. "Bigger hole please, make a bigger hole!" I yelled in frustration. Once I got out of there I walked home clutching the bag with Zander's toy in it, listening to music and trying to get my breathing under control. Man that was tough, how in God's name do they deal with that! It was scary as heck!

*At Home*

I made my way home opening the door to be tackled by my adorable little brother. "Sissy you're home!" he yelled, I carried him up to my room, with my mom saying that dinner will be ready in about an hour or so. I put Zander on the my bed and told him to close his eyes, saying that I had a surprise for him. "So buddy, I heard that you got 85% on your math test," I started. "Yeah! Dace helped me study last night for it. It was really hard sissy, there were a lot of big numbers," he said. He is just like me, we both had trouble with math, so I said, "yeah I know, and because you did super well on it, I got you something," I took the action figure out of it's box and held it in front of me, "open your eyes!"

He opened them and then a giant smile took over his face. He grabbed the toy and hugged me as tight as his little body could while yelling thank you at the top of his lungs. I started laughing when Cade walked in wondering what was going on.

"Look Cade, Sissy got me a toy because I did really good on my math test," Zander says, showing off his new toy to Cade. "Wow that's so cool, do I get a toy too 'Sissy'?"Cade asks jokingly. "No you don't because I am better than you," Zander says, sticking his tongue out and running away, most probably to show mom his new toy, with Cade chasing him. I laughed at my family's weird ways and to finish my homework.

*After Supper*

A few hours later, I had my homework done and I got ready for bed. I have work tomorrow, and I am so not in the mood to go, but alas I have a car to pay. The only reason tomorrow will be better is because my cousins will be working with me, and we always try to make work as fun as possible so we don't die of boredom. 

*Next Day*

It's work day and I am up at the unholy hour of 7:30 am to get ready for my shift at 8:00 am. In some ways I love working because usually at this time we get a lot of cute elderly people. Today is a particularly slow day, most teenagers are in school right now, and perks of being in college, you get days off. Woohoo! I'm just hoping that this day can go as smoothly as possible, but unfortunately, things don't go my way.

Niall's P.O.V

"Guys I'm hungry," Louis said. We were in the car right now, just going about, trying to find something to do on our day off. I was staring out the window, while the boys were trying to figure out what to do, zoning out. All I heard was dead silence, enough that you can hear a pin drop. I turn around from looking out the window and see everyone looking between Louis and I with mouths and eyes wide open.

" I don't know what's weirder, the conversation we were having about boxers, or that, that sentence came out of Louis' mouth instead of Niall's," Harry said. Liam and Zayn (A/N: I know Zayn is not in One Direction anymore, but in this story he is okay? Thanks for understanding :)) nod slowly, still too shocked to say anything. So am I to be honest, but I can't get that girl from yesterday out of me head, I don't know what it is about her, she just won't get out of my head. Next thing we know, Louis starts yelling, "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!?!?!?!"

"Come to think of it, I am pretty hungry too," I say. The boys let out a relieved sigh, "never mind, everything is back to normal now," Louis said, wiping 'sweat' off his head. As we were trying to figure out a place to eat, Zayn saw this little coffee shop called Tim Hortons. We decided to go there, Paul parking the car, and then getting out and into the shop. We got in line, waiting for our turn to order. I was looking at the menu when Liam nudged me. 

"What?" I asked. He pointed over to a girl at the cash register, "isn't she the girl we met the other day, in the little toy shop?" he asked. I looked over at her, and just like he said, it was her. The girl that was rude to us, the girl that I can't seem to get out of me head. "What girl?" Harry asks. Liam tells the rest of the boys about what happened the other day while I just looked at her, this beautiful girl, one that I don't even know the name of. The boys all looked at her too, after hearing the story, and she just started taking the order of the little old lady in front of us.

"Hello beautiful, how are you today?" she asked, they started to get into a conversation while she took the lady's order. Man her smile is amazing, and I think I just felt me little Irish heart skip a beat. It was finally our turn, and I will talk to this girl if it's the last thing I do. I'm Niall James Horan, I sing in front of thousands of screaming girls, I can at least talk to a pretty girl. Right? It is really hard, I always get tongue tied when I try to speak to her.

"Bonjour, Hii-oh no," she said when she saw us. "You have got to be kidding me," she continued with a straight face. Seriously why does she get this way way around us, what did we do? I looked down at her name tag, and it said Clary on it. What a beautiful name, I swear to God. I will get to know Clary if it kills me.


Hey everybody, so here is another chapter for my story. The picture is what I picture Zander to look like, and next chapter I will post a picture of what Cade and Dace will look like. Also in chapter four I will post a picture of what the rest of the girls look like. So please leave comments, vote and share this story, it would mean a lot. Thanks, and lot's of love from me :)  

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now