Chapter 12

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Clary's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a big smile on my face, just remembering my conversation with Niall last night. I still can't believe that I am taking this chance with him, and not knowing if I made the right choice or not. Maybe my mother can help me, so with that thought in mind, I get up, make my bed, and go downstairs where the smell of eggs and pancakes are wafting from. I walk into the kitchen and see my mom at the stove, so I walk over and give her a kiss on the cheek, helping her with the rest of breakfast.

"How did you sleep?" my mother asks me, "I slept really well actually, though I do have one question to ask you if thats alright?" My mother looks at me for one second and then shuts of the burners, moves the skillets, and pulls me to the counter, "tell me everything, what's got your mind working overtime?" I giggle a bit, knowing that my mother can tell whats wrong with me (and if I am lying) with just one glance at me.

"So Niall and I made up, and we have been working some things out. It's just... how do I know if I have made the right choice? What if he is not what I expected him to be, what if things don't work out between us?" After getting that off my chest, I let go of a breath, and look up at my mothers face. Her eyebrows are crinkled meaning she is in deep thought, "well... In cases like these, I think having some hope and maybe just a little bit of faith, things can go anyway that you want them to. The question is, do you want to be happy?"

I think about what she says for a moment. Ever since my brothers and I have been kids, our parents have been giving us these hope and faith speeches, telling us that we have the power to make our own happiness and destiny's if we just choose to believe. "Yeah I do, I want a happy ending like the princess' from the stories that I grew up with." My mom grabbed my hand in both of hers, and with a small smile on her face, "then you can get it, and if it's with Niall that's even better. He seems like a great kid with a nice heart."

"What if it is not with him? What if I am just wasting my time?" She seems to think this over for a bit before she takes in a deep breath and then lets it go, "I know what you mean, when I first started to date your father, I had the same doubts. Although, I am not going to sit here and tell you that our relationship was all rainbows and unicorns because it wasn't. Your father and I have been through many bumps in the road, but we have faced them together. Now because of those bumps, our love for each other is a lot stronger than what it use to be."

Just then my father walked in, kissed my forehead, and my mother on the lips before walking over to the stove and continuing on breakfast, knowing that my mother and I were having a moment. When I gave her a small smile and a nod, she got up and walked over to my dad by the stove, hugging him from behind. I saw the way they looked at each other, with the same love and affection they had in all of those photo's i've seen from their teenage years. Looking at them now, and seeing how close they are even through twenty-seven years of marriage (and counting), I've come to the sudden conclusion that I want it too. The affectionate hugs, the passion filled kisses, the  'I love you's' you receive the moment you wake up, during the day and just before bed.

I wondered if that's what Niall wants. Would he want to settle down someday, get married and possibly have kids? I pushed the thoughts out of my head instantly knowing that Niall and I had just started to date, for real this time. Once everyone came down, we all dug into our breakfast, telling jokes and whatnot. Once we finished eating and putting our dishes in the dishwasher, the girls came over and we started to discuss what song to do for our viewers this week. After some consideration, it became a tie between doing 'Fancy' by Iggy or 'Shake it off' by Taylor. 

A half an hour later we decided on doing 'Shake it off', then turing on the TV to find something else to do. Clearly we are not like other girls who are probably out right now getting coffee's, or taking pictures of their meals. We started to get bored of watching random shows and I was just about to turn the TV off when Katherine told us to turn to channel 522 because the boys are being interviewed. 

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now