𝒳𝐼𝒳. 𝐵𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝑜𝒻 𝒜𝓃 𝐸𝓎𝑒

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Act Two; Chapter Nineteen

Word Count: 5092

[Season Two, Episode One]

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[Season Two, Episode One]

[Trigger Warning: Mentions of Domestic Abuse and Panic Attacks]

"Oh, thank god." Jules muttered breathlessly as Eve closed the front door. The latter fervently nodded in agreement and leaned against the wall to catch her breath. Next, she tiredly smiled whilst looking over at Jules and Sophia. "It looks like our luck is turning around."

Jules bobbed her head, eyeing the place. "Yeah, finding a house in the middle of nowhere is definitely something.

"After saying that, Jules walked towards the couch in the living room, gently placed Sophia on it, used a pillow to elevate her ankle, and then made her way over to the kitchen. "Hopefully there's some food, because I don't know about you guys, but I'm absolutely fucking starving."

Both Eve and Sophia let out giggles, the former stating. "Yeah, I could eat" in between chuckles.

A grimace overtook Jules expression the moment she saw a can of tuna and salted anchovies on the counter. She internally hoped that the cupboard didn't only contain those items but was swiftly disappointed when she checked the cabinets.

"Fucking gross," Jules murmured to herself when she saw the stack of canned tuna and salted anchovies. Then, despite her distaste for the food options, Jules grabbed a mixture of both and some forks from the draw. After that she walked over to the living room, where Eve was dotingly checking over Sophia's ankle.

"Well, I have good news and really disappointing news."

Upon hearing Jules say that Eve and Sophia swiveled their heads towards her, then, once Jules had their attention, she held up the cans in her arms and said, "We have food, but it's, well, you can see it's uh...gross."

Following that, all three frowned in utter disgust while Jules divided the food amongst each of them and handed out forks. Next, she sat down beside Eve and opened up her can of tuna, inadvertently gagging at the smell. Then, with her fork, took a big portion out and sarcastically quipped, "Bon appetit."

After swallowing down the food, Jules once again gagged, but this time from the taste, not the smell. She then quickly spit back out what she had chewed into the can and bitterly coughed—causing Eve to form a sympathetic expression, and soothingly rubbed circles on her friend's backs.

"Do I have to eat this?" Sophia quietly asked, a slight involuntary, almost habitual tone of fear laced within.

Without skipping a beat, Eve moved her focus from Jules and to Sophia. "We aren't going to make you eat anything you don't want to."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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