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Kaya’s POV.

Werewolves are beasty creatures created from the power of the moon. The moon goddess, their creator, is believed to be the one who guides their lives.

They aren’t supposed to be known as beasts but rather as creatures of nature who suffer behind their transition. There’s a pain behind their creation, and while that could be an excuse behind their monstrous actions, it still isn’t worth it.

Their form is born out of order, such that they are meant to progress the strength of the earth and not become a barbaric breed whom other creatures fear, which is now something they have become.

Being a being of order is their reason for having a pack and an Alpha, a Beta, and an Omega to protect the members of that particular pack.

My mind alters, suddenly realizing that there’s no reason for me to reel through all that I’ve read. It doesn’t matter. Crazy right?

I mean, when you think about it, these creatures are messed up. They evolved themselves outside of the order in which they were initially created. If anyone is to be enemies of witches, it isn’t supposed to be them at all, as we are alike in terms of naturalism.

I roll out of bed and stretch, having my bones release a cracking sound. Looking outside the window, I see that it’s the first light outside, and the day is still at dawn. Hurrying, I make my way to the confined bathroom to see that it’s empty.

Yes! I don’t want to fight with the girls over using the bathroom, as I’m now back at the slave’s quarters.

Come to think of it, it has been two weeks since the brothers last called me for any other reason but sex. They use me to execute their daily chores and never have my time, and while in their minds they are punishing me, I’ve never been happier since the death of Aiden.

Speaking of, as the water washes down my skin, a sober feeling raids within it, causing it to tingle, and I begin to itch unconsciously just before I begin to feel nauseous.

These sensations have been going on for some time now, and I can’t understand why. Not long after, I was standing in front of the mirror.

I turn so that my left shoulder is the one reflecting in the mirror. I turn my face to see my reflection while my hands rest on my stomach.

“This is just weird. You’re fine, Kaya.” Whispering to myself, my subconscious is, however, in disagreement with me.

At the back of my mind, I wonder if I should go to the royal physician, but I know he might out me to the triplets’ of whatever sickness that’s been making me nauseous, and I don’t want that, especially when I don’t know of it yet, too.

My eyes shift to the book that I’ve been reading to learn more about werewolves, given to me by Aiden—of course, stolen from the royal library—and then recall that he knows of a private physician in the lower town.

My nerve quickens, and without delay, I pick up a robe and use the veil to cover my face from being seen.

Unfortunately for me now, everybody knows the witch in the kingdom, and if they see me outside, it would be a misfortune for me.

After watching for six minutes, I finally arrive at the physician’s office and hurry inside. Slamming the door behind me and removing the veils to showcase a bit of the blue gown that I’m wearing underneath with a red neckerchief, I look around the quiescent room.

The curiosity-seeking and nerve-wracking potions and objects my sight picks up scare me, almost making me want to change my decision to come here.

“Hello,” says a feminine voice behind me. My breath hitches, and I jump to my back.

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