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Kaya’s POV.

The smell of their fresh blood in mud...the sound of their screams...the look of shock in their eyes...the unbearable pain of a dagger piercing their heart...the welcoming of death!

“No!” I recall my own scream of shock, and right before the guards take me away.

Wait, the guards took me!

My eyes snap open, and my eyes shift around the dark space that I’m in. I can sense I’m sitting on metal space, which gave me the hint that I’m in a cage of some sort and my hands are tied with a rope.

My heart is spiking heavily as I think of what is to happen to me. I’ve never been so sure in my life that I can’t die. I have to avenge the deaths of my father and brother.

Out of the blue, the noisy movement stopped, and one of the guards opened the back, sending in rays of heavy beams of light.

It hurts my eyes that I snapped it close for a minute.

I am inside a carriage, but before my brain can decipher the other things happening, the guards pick me up and throw me to the ground.

“Argh...” My throat released a grunt from scraping my knees. They don’t care, but they hold me back on my feet and begin to force me to move.

“No, where are you taking me? Tell me!” My voice is high-pitched, and their leader suddenly grabs me by my hair and pushes it downwards so that I can look into his eyes.

“You’re lucky that you aren’t dead like that wretched father of yours, and that’s because we’ve got orders. So, shut up, or that beautiful face of yours won’t save you anymore.” His eyes shift away from me to look at the two other guards behind us, and he adds. “There’s a festival held for Queen Mother Emilie in the kingdom. Take this cheap whore to the maids’ quarters. They’d find a job for her there.”

After nodding at their boss’s order, they manhandle me and take me away. My mind is reeling from different thoughts. I want to understand what that guard meant, but everything seems coarse to me.

The adrenaline pumping into my blood is even blocking any sense that comes in.

After a while of walking through rooms, the guards finally stop in front of one, and one of them opens it before they walk me inside and remove the rope used to pin my hands together.

“Hey, you.” They call a woman who looks to be in her forties, and from the way she’s dressed, I can tell she’s a maid.

“I have a name. It’s Melissa, and I am the head of all the maids in the kingdom. I deserve respect.” The woman fights as she crosses her arms over her chest, but the guards only find it sarcastic.

“Yeah. Yeah. Get a job for this new maid. She’s a slave now.” After the guards say, they walk away, leaving me alone in the room with the woman.

Her orbs keep gawking at me for a minute before she yells at the top of her lungs. “Well, go and get clean and dressed up. There’s a bathroom down the room, and you’d find the maids’ clothes in the dresser. I need a helping hand anyway. We’d know if you can do it.”

My forehead wrinkles at all the events that have unfolded right in front of me without my having a say. I am a being who has rights, not a toy.

“No, I must get back home. My father and brother were just killed by those monsters. I must find their bodies and bury them. I’m not a maid.” My voice is brisky as I glare at the maid, but her lips twitch to the side, and before I know it, her hand is in my throat, grasping tight.

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