mania / chapter 13 / you tube

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He stood up from the bed before unbuttoning his pants button, he pulled down the zipper before taking them out along with his boxers. You gulp as you saw his hard cock standing infront of you with red tip.

You squeezed your core, biting your lips. He hovered above you and whispered

" you remembered my words...tell me when it pain' alot"

You nodded and he gave few strokes to his thick and massive cock. He aligns it with your hole. Holding your breath, your whole body tingles with excitement. And then finally the head of his cock presses against your opening, sinking inside you as your wet and warm walls stretch around him. Since you haven't been stretched before this, it brings the greatest pain and pleasure at the same time. You feels like you're in an entire different universe. You feel every inch of him, everything you haven't felt before. He was still pushing himself inside you.

You hands already went to his shoulder digging nails hard in his tanned skin. He didn't hissed as he knows you need this. He looked at your facial expressions just to see if you're not feeling pain more than it takes.

Once he was fully inside he stays there for a moment, to let you adjust. He bends down as you hissed in pain. He kissed your lips while you kissed him back to give him a sign so, that he can move inside you.

He broke the kiss and started jerking his hips inside you while your body crumbles down, walls clenching around his thick and hard length. You let out a cry and he asked with a frown in his face

" am i hurting you... princess" concern was rushed over his face while sooth your belly to reduce the pain.

" No" you breath and smiles " just move "

He slid out only to thrusts back inside you while you moaned after a minute. He groan in raw pleasure and you hugged him tightly as he started to pound himself into you.

" Fuck.... princess... you really feels so heaven...I can fuck you all night" he growled in your neck as his hips pace turned into fast.

" Yes...jungkookah fuck me" tears streaming down to your eyes. He was so good and you feels marvelous feeling his warm, body sticking to yours. He feels so good inside you and you wished this moment should never stop as you can feel him inside you whole day. You loved his massive and thick cock, filling you up again and again sending you to the cloud nine.

He took deep and hard strokes while you Digged your nails in his broad shoulders.

" Mark me princess.... scratch me as much as you can" his voice was full of lust. He lifted your ass by gripping your ass against his cock as he took you in different angle. Now he feels you more deep.

You lost your breath as you were feeling so intense by his hard thrusts, making your both bodies levelled up sensually.

He looked up to your neck " open your eyes.... princess look at me" he breathed while your lashes lifted and you made an eye contact with him.

He looked hot and beautiful, sweat forming and his long hair sticks to his forehead and you pushed them back. His mouth opened and valley of eyes deepen and he thrusts deeper intensifying your pleasure.

His thrusts turned into animalistic one that makes your body jerked upward. You gripped him hard as he pulls out enough for the head of his cock to stay inside you as he thrusts back inside, no words escaping you to tell him how fucking good that feels but he knows it. He sees how your body reacts, he feels it.

He feels you.

The room filled with skin slapping, groan, moaning, cries, whimpers and sex smell.

You digged your heels in his ass as he started hitting your sensitive spot. He angled himself more before pounding inside you like an animal. Your eyes shut tightly and loud cries released from your mouth. He slowed down as he almost forgot that you're weak.

You opened your eyes as you feels him slowing down, you raised yourself and shook your head " don't stop...I'm okay"

You gave him a sigh of relief and he kissed your forehead before taking the fast pace as he again started thrusting inside you in animalistic pace. You cried and leaned down in ecstasy.

No words exchanged, both of you barely able to speak as keeps his pace and hits all the right spots. You feel him almost in your stomach, the dominance of his thrusts bringing you pain and pleasure. Pleasure rushes through your entire body as you were closer to cumm.

He watches you with dark and lust filled eyes as he feels you Cummin in no time. Biting onto his lower lip harshly while you grip the sheets beside you, turning your knuckles white. With each thrust he makes, your breasts bounce, and he averts his gaze to your bodies meeting. His entire cock glistening with your wetness along with his balls while your clit is swollen.

He took out his cock and stroke deep back inside hard and there you cumm, feeling your body shivered and lost in heaven.

He groan and growled as he feels you Cummin so beautiful and hot. He gripped and widely spread your thighs more than before and started pounding himself to reach his own orgasm. His balls turned blue and swollen as he was too close to break himself off.

With few more deep and hard strokes, he growled that shook your body and he cumm inside you, marking you...his.


He marked you.

You're his.

Penance of last ten years, fulfilled and he finally marked you his.

He dropped his body over you breathing heavily. And you groan while he cursed and lifted himself up as he crushed you down by his weight. He stood up from the bed before walking towards the bathroom, he came out with a wet cloth and cleaned you and then himself.

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