mania/chapter 23/you tube

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" Come here.. princess" 

Jungkook pointed his index finger at you before ordering you come to him. While you smirk and get down on your knees slowly without breaking the eye contact with him. 

You put your both hands down on the floor, making your position in all fours, you started crawling towards him and his dark orbs darkened with the huge tent over his pants. 

He cursed under his breath watching you crawling towards him with your beautiful yet sexy curves and thought.... finally, my princess is all grown up.

He manspread himself as you reached between his thighs, sitting on your knees like an obedient child, you gave him a sweet smile.

He lifted his arm and grazed his finger over your beautiful features, before they got stopped on your lips, he rubbed his thumb over your lower lip, collecting your red lipstick on his thumb.

He put his thumb near his nostrils before inhaling the sweetness, he whispered " cherry" he put his thumb inside his mouth and sucked looking at your ocean orbs. 

" Mhmm.." he moaned and smirked before saying " should I start calling you cherry from now on?" 

You put your hands over his thick thighs and raised yourself a little before whispering near his mouth" but I like the name..princess..daddy" you moved your hand over his huge bulge and cupped in your palm before squeezing it, making his muscles tightened.

He gripped your neck before pulling you closer to his face, he said in a hoarse voice " but today you look like a whore.."

" Your whore..daddy" you moan and he pulled your lower lip between his teeth, he nibbled, biting and sucked your lips like a thirsty man. 

Jungkook pulled back and pushed you down back on your knees and smirked " please your whore" 

He ordered while you smiled widely before shifting your hands on his pants button, you opened and pulled down the zipper. He lifted himself as you pushed his pants along with his boxers down to his ass. 

His rock hard cock, sprung out in front of you, you immediately wrapped your palm around his length and he closed his eyes and sighed feeling relaxed. You bobbed your head down giving a kitten lick to his red angry tip leaking out precum. 

Placing a soft kiss over the top, you looked up to him and smiled before humming " what do I get in return?" You asked pumping his hard cock in your warm grip.

He opened his dark orbs before gripping the back of your neck he lifted your face high and breathe " daddy will gonna fuck his whore raw and hard in every single fucking position ever exist in this world without any mercy and if you will pass out, I'll make you come back to your senses and again drilled you with my cock whole night... now suck" 

He pushed your head down onto his hard cock and you smiled, opening your mouth to let him in. You started sucking hi, pushing his skin back, taking him inside your mouth more with his passing second. 

While he sighed, spreading his thighs more, cursing at your perfect blowjob. He was so stressed out in the office and wanted to relax himself but you gave him a surprise which turned him on without losing a second. 

He looked down at head bobbing up and down at a perfect pace and smirked before his eyes shifted to your bralette straps. He pulled down your straps, releasing your breasts from the tight grip without disturbing you. 

He cupped your one breast in his rough hand before squeezing lightly and pinching your nipples. You moaned on his cock, giving him another sensation and he pinched again feeling satisfied. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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