mania / chapter 17/ you tube

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You took out his cock and licked the red tip and he sucked a deep breath before fisting your hair in his grip, he said " room is not locked... princess"

This time you smirked and straddled over his cock and rubbed his tip against your core and you moaned and said

" I wanna take a risk "

You sit down on his cock, filling him inside you. You bite your lips hard as you are still not adjustable to his size, his massive girth always feels like he expands more than before.

He thrusts upward filling you totally deep inside and a lewd moan escapes from your mouth. He smirked while you gripped his toned chest and started moving back and forth. He lifted his head and saw how you're swallowing his cock, his massiveness stretching your walls, it feels new and amazing.

You slowly lift yourself, carefully not letting him slip out before you drop yourself back. You whimper, finding it hard to control your thrusts to make both of you feel good. This was the first time you're on top of him, showing him you can dominate him too.

" You're doing good princess " he boosted your confidence making you take a pace. You took a gentle yet smooth pace while he closed his eyes and feels you moving sucking his cock inside your pussy hole.

He stretched his arm and gripped your ass and helps you, lifting you by holding your ass cheeks while he meets your thrusts by buckling his hips into yours in halfway. Your body feels hot, feel like you're on fire. Your hair smack against your back and breast bounce with each thrust and you feel sweat creating on your naked and exposed skin.

He was enjoying you with his hooded eyes and gave you a smile while you increase your pace. But suddenly got startled when you heard the knock on the door. You smirked and wished it's your mother and let her see how beautifully you are fucking her husband. While jungkook sat down and looked at the door and tried to move you but you jerked his hand and stick his body to yours.

He glared at you as he doesn't want to reveal his relationship with you to anyone....yet. he tried to remove your arms but you just smirked and said in a high tone.

" Who's it?" You asked the person standing outside and jungkook's eyes widened he thought now the room' door will be flung open and eliz enters the room. But nothing happened like this when you both heard a maid voice.

" Eliz mam left a message for you...she said she's going somewhere due to an urgent work "

You huffed in annoyance and asked the maid to go away. You looked at jungkook leaving a deep sigh and you tilted your head in anger.

Why he was feeling relaxed when after finding it wasn't eliz on the door? Did he really loves you or just using you? Or he doesn't want to leave eliz in his life? thought.

And straddle away from him in anger. You are no longer feeling needy or anything. You got down on the bed and jungkook frown at your sudden change of behaviour. He hold your wrist and pulled you again over him but you struggled in anger and pushed him.

" You're so happy..right after finding that it wasn't your wife behind the door " you spat in anger while he took a moment to understand your words and chuckled as you were cute right now while complaining him.

" You're feeling jealous.. princess" he sat on the bed and smiled while you just gave him a brooding look and jerked his hands away and got up from the bed while he again pulled you back towards him by holding your waist.

He made you sit on his lap while your back was facing his front. You tried to move away but he gripped your waist tight and with other hand he chocked you by wrapping his hand around your neck.

He rested himself back with you over him. He bends his knees before parting your legs. His hand that was rested against your waist travelled down to palm his cock before he slides inside you filling you totally deeper than before.

You grunt as the position was so primal. Till now he only fucked you in two positions that was missionary and all fours. And now this third one is exciting you.

He slapped your thighs and you jerked your hips and soon landed back on his cock. You moaned loud.

" Don't ever feel jealous... that whore is no one to it.." his voice was stern yet full of authority.

He jerked his hips up and tighten his hold again over your waist. He started bucking his hips upwards fucking you while your jaw was clenched as the anger was still presented inside you. But you can't ignore the fact that your walls are clenching his cock and back arching in pleasure.

He chocked you more almost cutting your oxygen he again grunt " you got it... what i said?"

You groan as he was so deep inside you and fucking you in this position is igniting your lust that flames your body with his hard, rough thrusts.

But still you didn't let yourself got lost in pleasure because you're still hurt of his actions. He was lying to you but you need him.

You need your jungkook and in order to get him, you have to push your mother away from him. Then, only he will be yours...... only yours.

He hits all the right spots within your walls turning his thrusts more rough. You both let out a grunts and groaning when he sets almost animalistic pace. His balls smack against your ass. Pleasure washes you all over again, your mouth ready to leave the loudest moan as your whole body shakes.

He reached to your clit and started flickering making it more pleasurable, you shut closed your eyes as you started trembling over him while moaning loudly. He bit your shoulder, digging his teeth and slapped your clit hard which turned you squirt and body shaking in overstimulation. You struggled to caught your breath and his thrusts gets sloppier with each second, his length starts to twitch and with few more rough thrusts he came inside you and loosen his hold over you and catch his breath too.

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