Chapter 33

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  Hey boos!!!! This is going to be a double update. Well... Not really per say. Anyways I will upload chapter 34 tomorrow. Just take this as my easter gift to y'all 🙊 thanks for the support so far guys! Both the active and ghost readers. Shout out to my beautiful friend ladyyy_shakespeare_ who went ahead to vote on every chapter and read them through. I love you b💖
Enjoy this chapter y'all!

Adrianna's pov

    "Baby no. 2 is quite the fighter". The doctor gives me a light smile. I just came out of surgery less than 24 hours ago. Dante and father have been with me for almost six hours now. According to the doctor, the surgery went well and baby no. 2 is doing fine. Although she said, oxygen wasn't getting to the baby whole the surgery was going on but it survived.

    Dante has been all smiles since morning and it looks so weird but really good on him. He looks like a Cheshire cat who was given a recently killed fish. A sexy one though.

   Currently, I'm laying on the bed with Dante and father standing on either side of me. I am currently doing my final scan and getting updates from the doctor.

   She gives me a tissue to wipe off the gel on my stomach. Father goes out to get my drugs from the hospital pharmacy while Dante helps me get out of bed. I just feel a little weak and I feel slight pain in my abdomen. I shouldn't be feeling any pain by now but it must be my body acting up.

    We enter the car and the driver takes us home. The minute the door opens, I almost loose my footing but saved by Dante's arm who supports my back. I am tackled in a warm hug.
    The familiar jasmine scent fills my nostrils and I hug her back.

   "I have missed you so frutin' much". I raise a brow at her at the weird word.

  "Frutin?". I said with an amused smile on my lips.

   "I am trying to stop cussing and we don't want our little ones to hear those words even before they are born. I can't believe we are having twins! Ahhhhhh!!!". I close my eyes with her squealing threatening to damage my eardrums.  I just laugh at her antics and shake my head. I wonder where the rest of the family is.

   I realize that we have been standing at the door for more than 10 minutes now so I start going in.
   Lily helps me up the stairs and we head to my room while Dante follows father to probably talk about something because they are walking in the direction of his office. I will ask him about it later then.

                 *              *                *

Dante's pov

   Before Mr Romero walks away, I stop him.
    " I need to discuss something with you sir". He stares at me for a while then nods. I leave Adri with Lily and follow Mr Romero to his office.

   His office completely suits his personality and aura. Power and elegance. I take a seat in front of him.
   "Go ahead. I'm all ears". I take in a slight breath while being careful not to let him notice but it seems like he did anyways.

   "I want to take Adrianna to my house to meet my family. I am sure my family would love her but I am really skeptical about my father. As you already know, he harbours a lot of hate towards you and honestly, if I could I would keep Adrianna as far away from that house as I can. I just want her to meet the rest of my family and get to know them. I won't keep her there for long and she will be back before night arrives. So this is me asking for permission to take her along tomorrow". He stares at me for some seconds, the silence heavy and deafening. Just when I thought he would say no, he speaks.

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