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Heyy, I hope you're all doing great! I'm going to say six votes until I upload the next chapter! And I would love for people to try to guess what's gonna happen next. Lots of love xx

The next morning they got on their train to Cornwall and began their honeymoon, hidden away in the countryside. It was a homey little cottage, surrounded by fields of tall grass and flowers, and only a ten minute walk from the beach.

Lying in John's arms, under the warm June sun with the salty sea breeze around her, Alice had found a piece of heaven that she never even knew could exist. The time flew by so fast that by the last full day, the pair could hardly believe it had been over a week; instead feeling like a few measly days.

"At least the weather is nice at the moment. Would be worse going back to the cold." John had mused, to which Alice replied with a sigh "Yes I suppose" although she wasn't sure if she meant it. The thought of lazing about in the heat didn't appeal to her much if John couldn't be there to enjoy it - and she knew that he'd have a lot of work to do when he got back. For now though she had him and that would have to be enough.

She buried her face into the crook of his neck and curled her body up tighter to him.

"You cold love?" He whispered.

"No. I just wish I could be attached to you."

John exhaled amusedly out of his nose and wrapped his arms tighter around her body, placing a kiss on her head before replying.

"It would be quite impractical wouldn't it? I'd never get anything done. Nor would you."

"Exactly. We could just stay here forever and never have to do anything again. No more Garrison, no more Blinders. We could just be together forever." Alice giggled, though her smile dropped when John replied "Well you really don't have to keep working you know?"

"Oh what and just sit around waiting for you like some bored housewife all day? Women loose their mind doing that!" He almost interrupted her with a point of his own but her next argument quickly silenced him. "And besides, I spent so long just waiting. I couldn't bare to do that now.. No, I like working, but I like being with you more."

He simply kissed her again in response before looking up at the fire in front of them. It had been burning for a few hours now and the flame was starting to pitter out.

"I should get some more wood."

"I should get some more wood." Alice tempted him, fluttering her lashes in a way to show she wasn't joking.

A chuckle fell from John's throat as he shifted out from underneath his wife. Looking at her on the sofa, her eyes full of lust and her legs on display, it took real restraint to pull himself away even if it was just for a minute. His pace to the woodshed was quicker than his usual casual stroll.

Meanwhile, Alice sat and admired her wedding ring as she waited for her husbands swift return. This was something she'd found herself doing almost uncontrollably whenever she had a moment to spare, her eyes drawn to the gem like a magnet. It created a warm, comfortable feeling in her chest.

As she heard the door open again, she called out a question to John.

"How did you even get me the right size ring? It's not like I have any you could've stolen. God knows the one I had before didn't fit."

Freedom - John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now