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The week dragged agonisingly slow; made even slower by the minuscule drips of information Alice was starting to let slip as per John's request. Every horrific act she confessed that Jones had committed against her became worse than the last, never tainting his view of Alice like she feared but instead making him even more determined to kill the bastard.

He wanted to tell his wife the plan his brother had concocted, to let her know in advance that the man she feared so much would be tied up and at the will of their mercy in such a short time, but he couldn't risk her trying to join them on the initial kidnapping escapade. Even if he said no - which he obviously would - she would try to find a way around his brothers, and when they also undoubtedly said no, she would probably go as far to hide in one of the cars; popping out with a gun like a psycho at just the moment to get herself killed. Not that he would blame her at all for this response.

So to avoid this, he decided he wouldn't tell her anything until he had Jones tied up and beaten already - nice and prepared for his wife to do whatever she pleased with him - then he would just pray that this somehow cured her terrors.

On the morning of the awaited day, John kissed his usual goodbye and then rushed to the family shop although they weren't due to leave before noon. He was incredibly anxious. All the other blinders were eager - excited even for a fight against some gypsies. Only the three brothers knew the real cause for the mission.

"Right lads, are you ready to fuck some cunts up?" Arthur called to the group, earning some cheer. "Let's fucking go then."

The drive took hours - five men crammed into the back of a horse truck driven by John and another three in the back of a car drove by Tommy. Arthur was sat beside John for most of the ride.

"What's up with you then?" He'd grunted at one point "Why you so bloody quiet?"

"I'm thinking." John answered bluntly, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"What's to think about?"

"How many different ways I'm gonna torture that cunt."

Arthur let out an amused huff as he nodded his head in agreement.

"Makes sense."

John had no reply, hoping to resume the previous silence, but his brother spoke again.

"Did you tell her yet?"


"Aye. Probably for the best."

As they finally neared the dirt lane, John slowed down to let the men jump out of the back before casually resuming his previous speed, right behind Tommy.

He could see the crowd of caravans nestled between patches of the tall grass that sat atop the small country road. A derelict looking pub stood about 50 metres from the group, it's actual busyness only given away by the horses parked outside, and a small town was visible in the hills a few miles behind. The sun had just set, painting a blend of orange, blue and purple as the evening backdrop - a beautiful sky that would've been worth marvelling if not for the situation it illuminated.

With thinned eyes John stared at each of the caravans, colourful colours peeling from the ill kept wood, and tried to guess which one had been Alice's. Which one had been her cage? Which one had she seen so many horrors in? None of them stood out particularly from the others, all except for one who's windows had been nailed shut with planks of wood and practically all paint chipped from the exterior. That one looked about right.

Freedom - John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now