The Cut Above

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So sorry for the delay lovelies! D: I've had a busy few days!

This is actually the first time I've gone to the Butcher shop first :D usually I go to the Lucky Pawn first. I think the only differences are, the writing on the board is there if you go to the Butcher Shop first, but you can't talk to Jack or Toad at the Lucky Pawn. Which, honestly, isn't a huge loss.

Please let me know if there are any spelling errors! I kind of rushed through this to sleep not gonna like LMAO--


The Cut Above - Butcher Shop, Tubman St, Afternoon

The bell to the butcher shop rings out as Bigby pushes the door open, his eyes narrowed as he glances around the empty space for a moment. He grunts softly under his breath as he keeps the door held open with one hand, shifting over a step and allowing (Y/N) to enter the shop first, the woman ducking under his outstretched arm as she looks around curiously.

The shop was kept surprisingly clean, sunlight shining in through the large front windows that took up nearly the whole wall. A few posters and ads were posted in the windows, the sign reading OPEN hanging outside the door.

Bigby steps inside behind (Y/N), rolling his shoulder lightly as the door swings shut behind them slowly. The interior of the butcher shop was a modest size, a display case of what seemed to be rotten meat lined along the front counter, a wooden lift top counter the main front counter. The flooring was tiled with a cream colored white and a pale, faded maroon, the brick walls a cool shade of pale blue.

A refrigerator was to their left with COLD DRINKS labeled on the top, a handful of sodas and teas inside the shelving. The main sign reading THE CUT ABOVE hung on the back wall, an image of a pig with lines indicating different cuts of meat decorating the pig. There was also a shelving with a few mundane items, such as boxes, a television set, and binders, a large register on the counter with a bell beside it. Other unimportant posters about butchering were along the wall, as well as deals, advertisements, and other such.

The backdoors were behind the display case, Bigby watching them warily with narrowed eyes as he frowns, (Y/N) stepping towards the counter and peering around for any sign of the butcher.

"Hellooooo?" she calls softly, receiving no response as she looks back towards Bigby with a small frown.

Bigby notices the sign reading PLEASE Ring Bell for Service, the man looking from the sign to the counter door, seeming to debate simply walking in. However, he decides to just ring the bell, sighing softly as he steps closer while reaching out.


Bigby's gaze snaps to her with alarm, the man on high alert. "What is it?"

(Y/N) says nothing for a moment, her gaze fixated on the bell. "I... wanna ring it."

Bigby's expression softens with a hint of bafflement as he blinks slowly.

"What?" he questions with disbelief, his eyebrow arching slightly.

"I want to ring it," she repeats slowly with a nod, her tone serious, though there was a glint of amusement in her eyes as she turns to look up at the man.

Bigby's eyes flick from her to his hand hovering over the bell, the man snorting softly as he turns back to her.

"But I could've already--" he stops his sentence, heavily sighing in mock exasperation as he retracts his hand while stepping aside. "... Okay, okay. You can ring it, sweetheart."

(Y/N) grins triumphantly as Bigby fondly rolls his eyes, the woman stepping closer to his side as she reaches out towards the bell. Bigby allows his hand to tentatively rest on the small of her back, relieved that (Y/N) doesn't shy away from the touch. In fact, she leans into his side, her finger gently pressing the bell.

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