The Lucky Pawn

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I hope you enjoy it anyway ;-; <3


Bigby and (Y/N) stand side by side on the sidewalk, the two looking up at the Lucky Pawn building as the cab they had taken drives off into the now-busy roads. The building itself was flashy with neon signs, the Lucky Pawn logo overhead outlined with a bright blue, though, the light around the letter U was broken. 

In the window was another neon sign reading WE BUY GOLD & DIAMONDS with an image of a diamond beneath it, the sign on the door reading Open.

(Y/N) and Bigby exchange a glance with one another, Bigby rolling his shoulder in preparation as they step forward, (Y/N) slowly pushing the door open to the business.

The Lucky Pawn, The Bronx, Late Afternoon

"Jersey, don't-- don't give me that shit!" the voice of the Woodsman gruffly argues, the man sounding frustrated but also a hint apprehensive. "What the fuck is the point of havin' a system if you're just gonna--!"

The steel shutter was partially lowered, causing (Y/N) to pause as she looks through the slots of the grate into the store itself while lowering down to duck under it. (Y/N) hesitates when she notices Woody standing in front of a short, lanky man, though she knew better than to judge him on his appearance. She could feel his powerful aura surrounding him, knowing full well the man was the Jersey Devil. 

The store itself was clean and neat, the flooring dark gray with tiles and the walls covered in shelves with a variety of different magical objects that had been pawned off. There were display cases full of magical artifacts as well, some displays empty, neon signs along the wooden walls.

Bigby's hand sets on (Y/N)'s shoulder and he gently tugs her back, the woman softly gasping before realizing a figure had just ducked under the grate, and would have hit her unintentionally if she had not moved.

"Jack?" Bigby questions with surprise, keeping his voice lowered as the other two men continue to argue. "What the fuck is going on?"

Jack seems equally as shocked to see Bigby and (Y/N), his expression tightened with both fear and apprehension. His pale blue eyes were wide as they dart between the two, Jack gulping as he side steps towards the exit.

"I-- I'm just, uh, gonna... go and--"

"I'm the guy that keeps shit in order and that's it, Woody," Jersey firmly tells Woody in an accented voice, his arms folded in front of his chest. "If ya loved your axe so fuckin' much, why'd you pawn it in the first fuckin' place, huh?"

Bigby and (Y/N) both become distracted when they notice the growing tension, Jack using this opportunity to make a dash out of the door, the man clearly not wanting anything to do with what was about to occur.

"Jack!" (Y/N) hisses, turning to rush after him before pausing when she hears Woody grunt, turning in time to see the man shoving the Jersey Devil out of anger. 

"I didn't pawn it, asshole!" Woody snaps at Jersey. "It was stolen from my apartment!"

(Y/N)'s brows furrow slightly at this, her eyes flicking to Bigby for a moment when she realizes that was how and why Mary had Woody's axe. Bigby's expression hardens as he turns his focus to the two men, his fingers flexing and curling into a fist at his side.

"You don't want no part of this, pal," Jersey warns darkly, stepping towards Woody. "You push me one more time, and I will have one well of a mess on my hands. And I really don't feel like mopping out this room today." He rolls his head on his shoulders, giving Woody a tight lipped smile. "So, I'm giving you one more shot to thank me for my sunny attitude and generous disposition, turn the fuck around, and walk out that door with your life! Walking out with your axe, or whatever other bullshit, is not on the table--"

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