chapter 1

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No one's Pov:

One second,y/n,Maisie,Devy and Kornelia were in their math class, and the next, they have been teleported to a high building.The building was surrounded by bridges.All the bridges led to one tall Skyscraper.

The girls wince in pain as their butt lands on the hard surface of the building.
"That fucking hurt!" devy cried out in pain, whining to her sister Kornelia.After a minute of them trying to understand where they were, they get up and looked around.
"Were the hell are we?"
"I don't know" Y/n, Kornelia and Maisie said at the same time.

On another building, about 200 meters away,was a man with a mask on.He had a bloody bat and was getting closer and closer to a woman who was crying, her head bleeding.The woman was running away from him,going towards the edge of the building where there was a gap in the fence.The woman smiled and thought 'maybe if I jump off I'll escape' before jumping off.A few seconds later, her unconscious body fell to the ground, head-first, smashing it to pieces.Her whole body covered in blood.

The masked man looked around, looking if there were any witnesses before seeing the girls.He was about to head towards the connected bridges, but someone shot him 3 times;once in the head and twice in his chest.His body went limp and fell to the ground.And just like the woman, he went head-first and smashed his head to pieces.

The girls looked around, trying to find the person who shot, but they didn't see anyone.
They heard...laughter?It was coming from Devy.Geez, is she that crazy?

"sorry, but can you help me?"a voice said from behind the girls, making Kornelia and Maisie scream like they just saw a ghost.

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