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Luna Raine, The Royal Crest Pack, Planet Earth 5 years ago......

My heart thumps through my ear drums as I make my way up the stair case. I can't put this off any longer. I know Leon's expecting me, he can feel my anxiety through the bond.

I falter for a moment when I climb the last step. Please just this once be on my side Leon, I send up a little prayer to the gods wondering if they will ever grant me my wish and make my son happy.

His office door is slightly ajar and I take another lung full of air before pushing through the heavy solid oak.

Do you have a moment baby?  He looks up at me with that trade mark knowing smirk, definitely expecting me. For you my queen I have all the time in the world he smiles whilst patting his lap.

I release the breath I've been holding and make my way over to my mate, taking deep gulps of his intoxicating scent, needing the comfort and peace that he brings to me.

Rainy I can feel your despair, talk to me darlin? My mate coos. 

After a few silent beats I sit up from his embrace.  He's already anticipating what I'm going to say.  He knows this situation is causing me heartache.

It's Enzo, I just feel so helpless Leon.  I'm loosing sleep and I can't shake off this foreboding feeling that we're handing over the reins to him when he's already suffering so much.  How will he run this pack with no-one by his side?

Leon lets out a deep breath and places his hands on either side of my face. Look at me Raine, he says whilst tilting my head to level with him. Our son is the strongest, kindest, most level headed person I know, he will be an amazing Alpha. Hell, he puts me to shame sometimes. Please don't write off his mate just yet, he's only 23 Raine, there's still plenty of time.

I can't help but scoff. You and I both know he felt her join the Gods Leon. He sighs hearing my words. Raine we've been through this. We suspect that's what happened but the pain he felt could have been anything quite frankly.

I cringe at his reply. It's always the same, so i try harder than ever to level off my breathing, hoping to calm myself down. I don't want this to end up as another argument, I've had enough of those.

So, i was talking with Elder Arthur, I say, trying to back up theory whilst untangling myself from Leon's hold again. Hmm, Leon nods speculatively.  And what did Elder Arthur say on the subject? Well, he urm, well he, i stumble over my words knowing that this will upset him and indeed start off another dreaded argument.

He said there are other ways for Enzo to have a Luna, I screech out shakily. He rolls his eyes at me whilst grinding his teeth now.  That's absurd we only have one mate Raine. His nostrils are flaring now and his eyebrows raised.  Shit, this conversation might be over sooner than I anticipated. 

Just hear me out Leon, please? Elder Arthur spoke of many women on Solar that are widowed and desperate to be loved again.

Ok, I've heard enough. Your notions get worse every time we have this conversation! How can you even suggest that? to mess with the fates of your own son no less!? It's despicable Raine and I'll tell you the same today as I've told you a hundred other times LEAVE IT ALONE!

I can feel my bottom lip wobbling hearing his raised voice and alpha aura blasting at me but I persist as usual. He could just meet with them and see if they have a connection, Leon?

This isn't the Batchelor for wolves Raine!" He shouts back at me.

I would do ANYTHING absolutely ANYTHING for my pup's happiness Leon you know that. I spit back.

Imagine the pain it would cause his true mate Raine - have you thought of that? If he ever found out you were thinking of pimping him out he would disown you!.

He could also be happy Leon, gods, i cant remember the last time I've seen a genuine smile on that gorgeous face of his. He could have a family of his own, have the opportunity to love and be loved!.

He takes a deep calming breath, he can have that with his mate when she comes along Raine.

SHE'S DEAD LEON!! lets stop kidding ourselves!. I've raised my voice to him now so I know this conversation will be over. I lower my head exasperated by his denial.

I don't want to hear another word about this Raine, our son will be just fine you'll see!. End of conversation as far as I'm concerned. Don't try me on this.

I stand and nod sarcastically. Acceptance is not something I will ever give when it comes to Enzo's happiness. But I will drop the subject as usual. We just aren't on the same page.

I walk back towards the door before looking back at Leon. I'm sorry for bringing it up and upsetting you. Baby, it will all be ok i promise, just let it be please? For me? He says with pleading eyes.

I nod sadly at him before leaving the office, offering him a small smile in return. It's all I can muster right now.

I head to the large window at the top of the staircase, overlooking the Gym complex nestled between the trees. I spot Enzo standing next to his Beta and Mate with a look I can't quite decipher, envy or possibly sadness I think?.  He looks spaced out like he's living in a different realm to the rest of us.

With a final deep breath I whisper, you will have that one day my boy, feeling my wolf's agreement from inside my head.

I know there's nothing I can do to help him.  For now anyway, I muse, a small smirk crossing my lips. 

Suddenly feeling a renewed sense of determination to heal my son's heartbreak and loneliness. It's a waiting game and I've got all the time in the world.

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