A dream come true

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Enzo - present day - Royal Crest pack

I woke from my slumber with an hour to spare before our guests start to arrive.  I stretch my aching limbs and sit up yawning.  I don't remember ever feeling tired like this?.  I suspect it's got something to do with me being alone and not gaining the strength I would from being a mated pair. 

No matter what I thought it always came back to that.  I think back to 5 years ago when something inside me tugged and dissipated and the reason my mother thinks my mate has passed away.

I've scoured every pack on this planet and came up empty.  I thought that the goddess may have made a mistake and my mate was in Solar but I've visited the surrounding packs of my Uncles Kingdom and nothing pulled at me their either. 

The only place I have ever felt an Aiken of anything that could be classed as peace for me and Reme is spending time in my uncles kingdom.  But of course I have duties here now so I can't keep gallivanting to the Solar. 

I reminisce over the the magical forest that Reme loves to run in, seeing and running with the grey wolves which we both love so much.   I had never seen a grey wolf until I visited my uncle's kingdom and theres hundreds their all in one place.

Shaking those fond memories away, I walk to the shower turning it on until I see steam rising from the huge cubicle.  I strip and stand under the hot rainfall and try my best to wash away today's bitter thoughts. 

My mind was becoming a void for depressing thoughts and self doubt. Am I good enough? I always wanted to be the best Alpha the realm has seen, certainly here on earth anyway.  I always feel like I'm falling short on that by not giving our pack the Luna they so desperately want and deserve.

Once dry, I moisturise my body much to Reme's dismay, "got to keep in tip top condition for our mate" I tell him and he snorts in return.   I dress in slacks and a form fitting tailored button down.  I style my hair in the mirror and sigh when I see my tired face staring back at me. I used to be happy with my appearance but I cant help the self loathing staring back at me.

With one last glance I straighten my back and make my way down to the Hall for dinner.

"Alpha?" your father's in the library if you want to join him for a drink?", my head Omega informs me.  "Thanks Con I'll head that way" I reply cheerily grateful for something strong to settle my nerves.

Upon opening the library door my father is facing the fire with his back to me holding a glass of Scotch.  Care to join me son?  He says without turning my way. I oblige and pour another tumbler from the wet bar. 

"You seem distracted Dad, everything ok?"  "Just reminiscing son", "we've had some good times in this pack house have we not?" 

I smile and take a sip of scotch.  "Just remember we all love you", he says sadly.  I nudge him with my shoulder, "I know that, you sentimental old fool", bringing a smile to his lips.  I guess my mother is upsetting him again with her incessant worry over my lack of a mate.

Before I can say or think anything else the doorbell rings and that's our cue to drink up. 

"Not so fast" my father says.  "Your uncle is joining us here for a drink first, "whilst your mother greets the other guests".  I smile at that, it'll be good to spend some time together before we get going with the formalities.  On that thought my mother knocks on the door "surprise" she says before ushering the King in to the Library and closing the door. 

"Harry" my father shouts before embracing his brother.  "Leon" it's so good to see you the king says hugging him back just as tight.  I feel slightly jealous of the bond they share as siblings but as if sensing me my uncle opens the gap "get in here my boy" and so I do, Reme wagging his tail in the presence of his king an uncle sharing a hug. 

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