The cabin

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Sophia - Royal Crest

I'm glad Enzo is opening up to me.  The more he keeps it locked away the more it will become an issue in the long term. 

He's got rid of anything that reminds him of her but some things won't ever leave him.  Her name can't become something that we never speak of. 

It's natural to always think of things we are forbidden of. So I want it to become just a bad experience for him but not something that makes him want to scrub his skin until it bleeds.

I'm glad that after the first week he can't remember much.  It's ironic that I felt every bit of their first sexual escapades so I know how frequently it was happening.  I know that the light pain would have meant foreplay which went on for hours and hours and I know that the extreme pain was penetration and the mind bending pain for those 20 odd minutes he was knotting her.  It was uncomfortable for him but death defying for me. 

I take a deep breath.  Ok stop thinking about it now Sophia.  Blade you ok girl?  She wags her tail and seems content no doubt thinking about her lover boy. 

I hop in the shower keen to get going.  I dress in jeans and a lemon sweater today.  Maybe it's time to shake it up a bit from my usual combat trousers.

As I finish braiding my hair my phone goes off a few times.  There aren't that many people that have my number so I hope to see Dan's name or my mother and father.

Nope. It's a number I don't recognise and I instantly get that same bad vibe as yesterday. Don't open it Sophia. Don't open it. I keep up the mantra. Why do we do it? I know whatever it is will hurt me, but I also know like a gluten for punishment I will open it eventually. I think back to my earlier observation about forbidden things, the more scandalous it is the more we want to know.

Shall I open now whilst I'm on my own or later? I wonder for a few minutes. Will this make me angry with Enzo again? I was surprised how a good nights sleep cleared my head today. I was fuming after seeing the photos before bed.

I wanted to give myself to him before the bond kicked in. I wanted him to understand that even without the bond I still chose him. Without the influence and desperation to mate I would still give myself to him willingly. Even when he nearly damn killed me with the betrayal pains.

It's my gift to him before he becomes remorseful. Probably so remorseful that he will punish himself again.

This is so exhausting.

I put the phone away. Later. I will look. But later, after I have given him my innocence. She will not take away that special moment.

I smile to myself feeling proud of my decision and strength not to look and make my way down to Enzo's office.

He's in deep concentration looking at the screen and typing whatever he's doing so I sit on his sofa and wait patiently. When he's done he shuts the screen. "Come here Angel, give me a cuddle".

I smile and make my way to his bear hug. I'm not disappointed, I feel like a child in his grip he's huge, but he's the best damn hugger in the world. "You look beautiful today, did I tell you that?" "Fuck you could wear a bin bag and you'd still look like the most gorgeous she wolf on the plant". I hold him tighter and nuzzle in to his neck.  He always seems to know when I need to hear something comforting from him. 

After we breath each other in for longer than necessary I make a move to get up. He looks as disappointed as I feel but we have to put the pack first.

We walk hand in hand to a large garage where Enzo's keys flash on a black Lamborghini 4x4. It looks old fashioned compared to some of the flying craft we have in Solar but he assures me it's top of the range and the newest of technology for humans. "Will you teach me drive a human vehicle? He suddenly looks excited at my request "I would be delighted to Sophia". That's settled then. "You become lazy when everything's done for you by AI".  I hear his happy thoughts about helping me to learn something new, he feels accomplished by this and his mood is lifted to the next level.

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