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Today I reached my breaking point... I was in class and I was just so fucking exhausted and then I heard one person I thought was my friends start talking shit about me and I kinda just lost it(I was in math doing a problem on the board) I erased the problem and just sat at my sit and just started crying I didn't tell anybody what was wrong I just started feeling numb I guess the teacher called someone because then someone came and pulled me from the class and I fucking lost it I began cussing screaming and like rage crying I felt like so fucking empty like i was just so mentally fucking tired and I guess the principal heard me cause next thing I knew I was surrounded by I think the principal my favorite teacher and a few others and I just sobbed like I started gaging with how much I was crying it took me a good 2hrs to fully calm down to talk and when I did all I did was say "I'm so fucking exhausted" they tried to call my mom but that wasn't going to make this any better so I just told them I was ok they made me sit in this room for another 3hours and and I don't even fully remembered what happened after that I just kinda stared at a wall and just sat there but I wasn't there I was like physically there but mentally checked out I was and am still so just fucking exhausted....

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