The Signs In Arguments

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These I found on a website but I did it in my own words so here it is.

Aries: They want to end the argument as soon as it starts. They let the opposer have the blame even if they didn't start it. Once the argument is resolved the end up fessing to what they did.

Taurus: They hope that the conflict will just solve itself without all the drama involved. However if you start to push on them to much they start to get angry and when they do they are hard to control. A Taurus may be the one to give the silent treatment after an argument where they have been attacked and its best to to talk to them a couple days later about the situation when they cool down.

Gemini: Try's to get away from it. They will literally try and just get away from you so it doesn't become a huge deal. however when pressured to get into the action, a Gemini will stand up and start to fight back and twist everything around.

Cancer: Cancers when in arguments are calm, and self oriented and try to keep the peace in an argument. They try to solve the argument in a soft tone as to try and calm the other person down. However if you get them to conflict they make YOU feel guilty.

Leo: People when arguing with Leo's have to be cautious about in arguments. If you want a nice smooth conflict then talk to them that way; just the way you would normally talk. Using insults can get a Leo very upset and you have a chance of losing them because of the way you heated up the argument.

Virgo (Me!!): Virgo's take even the littlest of the things to the biggest levels of insult. However they don't stand back and retort back with other bouts of criticism to the other person. There is just one way for a conflict to be resolved and that's for the Virgo to know that the person they are arguing still likes there personalities and who they are as a person. Then the person goes on to say that they just don't like what they did wrong.

Ok so I'm a Virgo and honestly this doesn't really fit me in fact I'm probably more part Leo on this one and Cancer and Libra I don't want to rule things up I want to solve things as smoothly as possible. And the reason I PART is because even when the people start to drag me into it and expect me to stoke back; I really don't. I'm just not like that I settle it calmly without all the drama even if the other person is giving me drama I keep it level for myself. Ok that's it; here are the rest😆

Libra: Libra's DO NOT like arguments, but of they are involved in one they're u their best to show understanding and reach an agreement; but they expect you to return the favor. When they are riled they don't fuck around and really let you have it. The best way to solve a conflict with them is a simple, calm and understanding way or gesture.

Scorpio: Scorpios are usually the ones that start the arguments. They aren't phased by them and they are known to start these conflicts with the drama and just the emotion that they pour out. But they know very well what they are doing they carry on the pain and emotion of the conflict longer that Ian needed and they just won't let it go. But it's normal because they are used to pouring out whatever emotions they have. They also find the ways to make you feel guilty and take the blame when it may even be pretty clear that it wasn't even your fault.

Sagittarius: They get flared up quickly and can cool down just as easy (I kinda found this surprising) they can be cruel the moment the argument begins but forgive easily to them it's more important on what happens in the moment; not what happened before (sorry if that doesn't make to much sense) they let it drop and will even try I set it aside by just saying something funny or do something else together which would then be the argument. However if you bring it back up they get mad all over again.

Capricorn: Capricorns don't actually do a lot of the talking while arguing, they just listen to what the other person has to say and try to make understanding. But when they get really fed up they get MAD. They don't often use bad words but they can get aggressive; not with people but with things around them like leaving and argument slamming a door or even just knocking something over and breaking it; you get the picture. They rarely shout but when they do it can really hurt at the way they say it as well as the tone they use.

Aquarius: Aquarius's are like ninjas when it comes to arguments. They can withstand any type of yelling, gestures, curse words; all that stuff and just keep it in themselves. Then like when the other person thinks at they've won the argument and it's over. They come out with curse words that you never ever expected them to throw at you. It also says that conflict with Aquarius's will always lead to shock and surprise.

Pisces: similar to Virgo's Pisces are insulted and hurt easily when it comes to what people say. Arguments affect them deeply and they real take it hard letting it distract them from other things important in life then just a little argument. Their reaction is disappointed and sad and they show it; it's something they just don't like and they take it as emotional pain. Even if it was THEM who STARTED the argument. But like Sagittarius's they will forgive easily and saying something that's nice and appreciative to them will make them feel better.

So that's it. These are what the signs may do in arguments; you know any people who match this if your get into arguments with them? Also it took me like a while to do this😂😂😂but it's cool; so that's it; until I add more byeee!!

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