Taurus Facts

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Online again; here are some facts for Taurus😎😎😆😆even if you aren't Taurus see if some of these fit you, cause some might

1) A big fear for a Taurus in love is that those partner doesn't love them as much as they do

2) The Taurus heart can be as sweet and delightful as they come but the absolute worst feeling for them is being used or manipulated. They give a lot so the hurt feels like pure hell (even though I'm not a Taurus this is 100% me; like its so perfect as describing me as well)

3) Taurus doesn't mind a challenge... It only builds their character and gives them satisfaction. And they bring in whatever armor they need to win the battle

4) When you're a tough person like a Taurus, concealing emotions is the best thing this is something they do well. Don't be surprised if you see one burst out in tears or show a fit of rage, it's just them releasing built up frustration

5) Taurus personality; They rarely change their mind, cautious and doubtful of new and unusual situations, doesn't mind hard work if it gets them what they want, forms few but close relationships (this also can describe me pretty well), tends to be introverted, prefers to be self reliant

So that's it for this one byeeee!!😎😎

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