Chapter One

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‐-------------------------8 years ago-----------------------


Panting, hurried breaths.

Tears streaming down his face.

Antonio Higgins turns into an alleyway clutching at his chest. He slumps against the side of the brick building and pulls his knees close to his chest, small body wracked with sobs.

Footsteps of a much larger man come closer. Antonio clamps a hand over his mouth to keep from making noise.

He can't go back there.

Antonio scoots behind a trash can and watches with wide eyes as the man runs past his hiding place.

He lets out a sigh of relief.

He's not going back yet.

--Present Day (2 months after the strike)--

"Up and at 'em boys!" Jack yells, voice echoing off the walls, "Gotta carry the banner!"

Race groans and throws his hands up at the morning light creeping through the windows of the Lodging House. Rubbing his eyes, he glances around the room to find the rest of the boys getting already preparing for a day of selling.

Albert and Elmer are arguing on one end of the room, Specs is helping Blink try to find his eyepatch, and other boys are getting dressed and finding their belongings.

An enthusiastic Jojo leaps onto Race's top bunk, causing the still drowsy boy to grab the railing to keep from falling off.

"Raceeeeee" Jojo coos, "Wake-up time!"

Race lightly shoves Jojo in the chest, "Get off" he mumbles, displeased by the slightly younger boy's chipper attitude at this time of the morning. Jojo pouts at the end of the bed,

"Geez Racer" he mutters, "What has you in such a bad mood?"

Race rolls his eyes and goes back under the covers, trying to savor the last bit of warmth left before he has to get out of bed and trying to help the growing headache he already has.

Jack sees Race from across the room and motions for Jojo to get off the bed. Jojo scurries down the ladder, mischief glinting in his eyes. Jack creeps up to the side of Race's bed, and abruptly yanks the covers off the younger boy.

Race screams and curls up on himself. "What's the matter with you Jackie?!"

Jack chuckles and ruffles Race's hair. "Get outta bed next time and it won't happen." He says with a shrug, leaving the room.

Race sighs and jumps off of his bunk. He walks over to the table beside Blink and his shared bunk and grabs his selling clothes for the day. He pulls on a faded blue and green flannel over his white undershirt. Reaching under the table to grab his boots. He sighs and runs a hand through his dirty blond hair. "Why do I have the feeling this day is going to suck" he mutters to himself as he walks out the door.


Chatter fills the air as the Manhattan newsies gather at the selling gate.

"Gimme my hat back!"

"Give ME my shoe!"

"Can you eat leaves?"

"I think I forgot my pape bag"

"Get off of my back!"

A shrill whistle cuts through it all, "Papes for the newsies!" Weisel yells. Race groans and covers his ears. Why is that whistle so loud?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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