Chapter 12

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Jaehwa felt a soft buzz in her pocket as she was in the kitchen helping Youngmi and Micha make some food for Jisoo. She realized that it was her phone. Jaehwa picked it up without looking at the caller.


"Eomma...could you come to King Jisoo's room please." Jaehwa's youngest daughter asked.

"Why, did something happen?" Jaehwa suddenly got out of her seat.

"Nothing happened, it's that I found out that Jisoo had the elf flu and I was just wondering if you could help him get better since you used to heal other elves in our village who have it all the time."

"Yes, I can. I will be there in a few minutes."

Jaehwa ended the call and said goodbye to her other daughter before walking to Jisoo and Seokmin's room. After she got there, Jaehwa knocked on the door.

"Come in." She opens the door to the room.

"Can you help him?"

"I told you on the call that I can."

Jaehwa walks closer to the bed, putting her hand on Jisoo's chest. A strange glow comes out of her hand.

"What's happening?" Seokmin asked.

"Shh. I am trying to see how much of the flu is still in his system."

After a few minutes of pure silence, Jaehwa takes her hand off of Jisoo.

"It seems that most of it is gone, but that part that is left has become worse than I have ever seen before. What type of medication have you been giving him." Jaehwa directed the last part to the doctor.

"I have been giving a blend of fairy dust and tears of an angel." The doctor replied.

"What kind of fairy dust."

"There are different kinds of dust?"

"Yes, many people don't know this but males, females, children, and even fairies who are carrying produce different kinds of dust. The difference is very subtle, but it makes a difference when curing the elf flu."

"I don't know what we had before we ran out, but I think it was male fairy dust. Oh, and the last douse I gave the king was from King Minghao."

"That's good, but you should continue using the dust that you got from Minghao. the secret of curing an elf flu is to use dust from a fairy that is carrying a child. Using male fairy dust doesn't affect anything, but I wouldn't advise it."

"Ok, the. I will go make a new batch of medicine and I will be back." The doctor left.

The doctor soon came back with the newly made medicine. He gave it to Jisoo.

"Baby, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better Minnie."

"That's good."

"Now since everything is done here, we will go now and leave you two love birds together.

While walking back to the kitchen, Jaehwa, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol heard a high-pitched scream echoing through the castle.

~15 minutes before~

Two men were walking through the halls of the castle. One of them seemed to be in a lot of pain. He was clutching his stomach gently. The other male was comforting the other.

"Hao, you'll be okay. Shh." Junhui was rubbing circles on Minghao's back.

"I hate it when the baby gets too excited. I swear he got your strength."

"Why don't you sit down baby and I'll get you some ginger tea to slip on. It will probably help with the pain." Junhui helped Minghao sit down on one of the couches nearby.

"I'll be back in a moment. Ok, baby." Minghao nodded and Junhui left.

After a few minutes of pure agony for Minghao, the pain stopped all of a sudden. Feeling a lot better, he got up and started to walk to the kitchen where Junhui was because Minghao didn't want to send Junhui back once he got to Minghao to put the tea back.

While walking to where Junhui was, he bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Minghao bows to the best of his capability.


"No, no, I'm sorry." The person also bows when they lift their head back up. It seemed to be Youngmi looking back at Minghao.

"It's fine, but I better get going. Don't want Junnie to make a whole new trip to the kitchen for me." Minghao gave a big smile to Youngmi. In which Youngmi returned with another.

"Do you need help getting down?"

"No thanks." Minghao headed to the stairway which was located in a corner. It was one of the stairs in the side of the castle, mostly used for a quicker way down for the servants and not many of the royals used it.

Once he got there and down one step. He felt a sudden weight on his back which caused him to stubble downwards, hitting his lower back on the railing and his head on the wall. Minghao tried to get up but made his way back down a second later. A silent ringing could be heard for Minghao and a sharp string could be felt on his lower back right where his tailbone was. It felt like it was on fire.

"Ow" Minghao whined, bringing his hand to the back of his head, rubbing it gently. Then slowly bring it to his growing stomach. Thank god that he fell backward and not forwards with his tummy first because that would have made things a lot worse.

The moment this hand made contact with his stomach. It felt warm, like warmer than usual. Minghao went to see why that was the case, but looking at it made him let out a night-pitched scream.

It was...



Hello, I'm back guys. Sorry for the late update, my parents took me on a surprise vacation last week for spring break and it took me another week to write this because of my stupid author blocks, but I'm happy that I got something out for you guys.

Anyways! I hope you have a great week and see you next time. 😊

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