Chapter 16

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The ball was about to start any minute and guests would start to come in like a stampede. Everyone was getting more worried about the ball. They needed it to make a good impression on the foreigners as it was their first time hosting the ball.

"Solie, do you think that we will make a good impression on the new people? I mean that some of them have never seen us before while others have only seen us when we got married."

"I think that we will do just fine, Kwan. They'll love us. Look at Micha, Youngmi, Youngsoo, and Sunhi. We got along just fine. If anything you can just come to me, and I'll protect you." Seungkwan nods.

"Okay, Solie." Seungkwan smiles.

The doors opened and walked in hundreds of people at a time. They all walked towards the balcony where everyone else was.

"There they are, Solie. I'm so nervous." Seungkwan said while fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't be. Everything will be fine." Hansol replied. He started to rub Seungkwan's back to calm him down. Seungcheol clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone. If I can get your attention for a few seconds. I would like to talk about a few things before we start." The guests started to talk among themselves, but after a minute or so, they stopped.

"I'll start with that dinner will be served at 7 pm and slower music will play until then. After dinner will have upper-beat music. That will happen until 9 which then will be the slow dance and any other types of dance people want. It will last around an hour before slow relaxing music will play for people to relax and hang out together. There will be smaller snacks served throughout the night. If someone has any allergies, please let the chef know, so they can make food that you can eat. Since that is done now, let's enjoy this night together." Seungcheol finished his speech and the doors opened, leading people into the ballroom. Everyone on the balcony went to the ballroom too, but they used the door that connected this balcony to the balcony in the ballroom.

Seungkwan still seemed very nervous. He felt like something was off. Hansol noticed it and went over to him again.

"Kwanie, are you feeling okay? You seem very nervous and anxious."

"I don't know. I just feel off, like something bad is going to happen." Seungkwan replied.

"Boo, nothing is going to happen, just enjoy the night with me. Do you want something to drink, baby? Maybe that we calm you down a little?" Seungkwan nodded and they left to get something to drink.

After Seungkwan drank something, he felt better about the ball. His anxiety went down, almost to nothing as he didn't have it in the first place. Soon, he went over to Wonwoo and Jihoon and started to talk to them.

"Kwan, what brings you here?" Jihoon asks.

"Nothing, I'm bored and Solie went to talk to some guests." Seungkwan smiled.

"Oh, yeah. Same with Soons and Gyu. You seemed nervous about something when the ball first started. Are you okay?" Jihoon asks. He was worried for Seungkwan.

"I'm fine now, Hoon. It's just that I'm nervous as this is our first time hosting."


"So, what were you doing before?"

"Nothing much, just talking about some of the guests and what we want to do later in the night," Wonwoo replied.

"The guests?!" Seungkwan was shocked at the response. "Are trashing talking without me?!"

"No, we're not trashing talking. We're just talking about how we feel about some of them. Mostly the new family that came to stay with us last night. They just seem off. I just can't put my finger on it." Jihoon said.

"Yeah. They do just seem off. I know that the kids don't want to be here. They probably just didn't want to come to this event. I also know that they haven't been to any other event like this one. I think that the parents don't like other creatures because how have they never been to any event before." Seungkwan says.

"Yeah, like how had they never come to something like this," Jihoon said.

"True, true. The parents also just seem like they don't like us because we're gay. Like did you see how they reacted to the fact that Seungcheol and Jeonghan Hyung are married?" Wonwoo replied.

"Yeah! I didn't like why they did that." Seungkwan said.

"They gave us the judging look an-." Jihoon got cut off by a new voice. A man was walking towards them.

"Hello, there. Can you tell the chef that I have a seafood allergy when you back there?"

"Yeah, I can. Do you mind waiting here while I do, though?" Jihoon asked.

"I don't." The man said and Jihoon left. The man turned to Seungkwan and Wonwoo.

"May I know your name?" The man said to Seungkwan.

"It's Chwe Seungkwan, sir and you?" He bowed.

"My name? It's Yoon Sangkyu." He answered, and then he pointed to Wonwoo. "And you?"

"Me? It's Kim Wonwoo."

"It's nice to meet you two."

"It's nice to meet you too," Seungkwan answered.

"So, do you live around here?" Sangkyu said.

"Yeah, we do."

"Mhm, really wow. This place is amazing, you must love living here."

"It is," Wonwoo replied. They started to talk and soon Jihoon came back.

"I'm back," Jihoon said. "I told the chef that you are allergic, so he'll make something else for you."

"Thank you very much.."

"Jihoon, Kwon Jihoon."

"Jihoon, what a pretty name."

"Thank you."

"You shouldn't be thanking me for doing something nice like complimenting you."

"You shouldn't. Like seriously you shouldn't."

"And why not?"

"Well, I don't like getting compliments that much. I just don't like them. Don't ask why."

"Okay then, I won't." Sangkyu stops, then continues. "Do you know, Seungkwan and Wonwoo? I mean that you were talking to them before you left."

"Yeah, I do know them. They're my friends, but we have a bond like siblings. If you know what I mean."

"I do." They continued to talk for a few more minutes, then Sangkyu asked Jihoon a question.

"Do you want to dance with me?"


I hate finals. They give me WAY too much stress, but thankfully the semester is over. Yay! 🎉🎉🎉 I'm sorry for a later update than usual. I just had a lot of things in my life right now, like finals for example. I HATE them soooo much. Anyway, I just want to say that your author will probably be back with her normal updating schedule.

I hope you have a wonderful day! 😊

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