Chapter 13

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Minghao was still shock at the sight of the warm crimson liquid flowing from his hand. He did not know what caused the blood to come out of his body, but he did know something. His baby could be in danger. He wanted to move, but his body was not responding to mind. Minghao was frozen in slight.

~A few minutes before~

"Hyunie! Hurry up!" The figure turned around, slowing down his pace and also starting to rub backwards while trying to call the other person to hurry and catch up with him. "You're so slow."

"Beomie! You're gonna hit something if you continue to ran backwards." Taehyun watched as his lover gave him a bright smile before running off again, faster this time. Taehyun sighed and smiled before running after Beomgyu.

(A/n: so not gonna lie. I kinda forget that I added txt in as it wasn't in my notes for when I have to look back and see what goes in what chapter because i just added them in chapter 6 for fun.)

Taehyun caught up to Beomgyu pretty quickly and leaped onto Beomgyu, making them both fall on the floor, attacking him with kisses while also tickling the sides of his waist.

"H-hey, Ty-yunie! Stop that, it tickles!" Beomgyu bursted out into tears.

Suddenly, Taehyun stopped all of his actions and looked upwards.

(A/n: I also forgot to put that dragons also have better hearing than other people.)

"Teahyunie, what happened?"

"I just something. It sounded like if u hit something hard to the wall." Taehyun got up from the floor and helped Beomgyu up too.

"Mhm, really?"

"Yeah, we should go check out what was though." Beomgyu nodded and they left, trying to see where the sound came from.

Soon, Taehyun leading himself and Beomgyu to the second floor's lounge area.

"It was somewhere over there." Taehyun pointed towards the end of the hallway was and where one of the side stairs were.

"Let's go then." Beomgyu pulled on Taehyun's sleeve before letting go because of something. Something that scared him.

There was a long night pitch scream coming from the end of the hallway that Taehyun had pointed too.

"What was that?" Beomgyu asked.

"I don't know, but let's find out." They slowly went to where the screen was heard from. Beomgyu was clinging onto Taehyun, too scared from the noise.

Once they got closer to the stairway, Taehyun stopped. Beomgyu who was hiding his head behind Taehyun's back peaked one of his eyes out.

"Why did you stop?" Beomgyu asked. Taehyun didn't answer, but ran towards the stairs, leaving Beomgyu there.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Beomgyu ran, trying to catch up to Taehyun, but then his stopped. His eyes leading to a small puddle on the ground, going upwards until he saw something didn't want to see. He gasped loudly.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Beomgyu wanted closer to Taehyun who was holding something or should I said someone.

"I don't know, I saw down he was starring into his hand and then when I went to check what was happening. He clasped into my arms." Taehyun brought one of his hands  to move some of the hair off of the other's face.

"Let's take him to the doctors." Taehyun nodded and they started to walk really fast to the doctor's room.

"I really hope that he will be okay."

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