Chapter 1: Spinal Staircase

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Fortunately, the fall was only a few minutes. And like some sort of miracle, Lambert suffered no damage, Finding themselves in another room, they examined around, and...

Huh, what a peculiar little machine. The Lamb took a few steps forward towards the terminal, curious, when all of the sudden the stationary screen suddenly activated, humming with life!

(Now Playing - Take Care) (

Like an old-timey record player, it began to play a song, but that was not all it had to offer.

"Tip of the Day: h a v e f u n"

Ominous message aside, the lamb just rolled their eyes, crossing their arms as they looked at what the Terminal had to offer.

To the left of the screen, only 4 buttons were visible.


Intrigued, Lambert reached out their hand, pressing the button labeled "Weapons"


Insulted, they'd attempt to see if ANY of the other buttons even worked. Nope.
With a sigh of defeat, Lambert gave up, hitting the terminal out of spite.


So it WAS sentient. They shook their head with brows furrowed, and walked away down into the short hallway.

...What the fuck?

(Now Playing - Spinal Staircase:

The moment those doors opened, a creepy atmosphere filled the room. The sounds of blood pumping and wind chiming through, as the only thing lead in front of them was just...

Darkness. Pitch black, with the only other thing in sight being a torch. Moving Forward, they'd take the torch, waving it around and shortly realizing WHAT they're standing on.

Muscle, tissue, like they were in something ALIVE, only backed up further by what can only be described as a Spinal Staircase. For once, after the main journey ended, Lambert felt fear. As if The One Who Waits wasn't the only one that could have evoked that very same feeling inside. The Lamb began to shiver in fear, where the hell was he? what IS this place? who the hell would-

"Hey!" The Red Crown shouted, managing to get Lamberts attention. Blinking twice, snapping out of their fear trance, they realized that their crown had hopped off their head, floating in front of them. "Death can not hold you, remember? We've died and come back before, this should be no different! Look- I'm curious what else is here. So stop acting like prey! It's a bad example for your flock."

Not exactly the most inspiring speech, they weren't very good at such. But it motivated Lambert, and right now that's all they needed. Considering their words, and giving a nod, they began their steps down the staircase, The Red Crown floating behind.

It only went down. Twisting and turning like a case of bad scoliosis, with absolutely nothing to hold onto. Very, VERY gentle steps down. Again, they weren't machine, for he felt fear, but was pushing past for curiosity's sake.

After what had felt like a while, they finally reached the end. Going straight down, a not-that-large mouth awaited, opening like a doorway.

Lambert shrugged this one and hopped down once more, if anything went wrong he could always just concentrate his power and return home, right?

Soon after landing, a pedestal awaited.

Having nothing else to offer, Lambert placed the torch onto the pedestal, and it seemed to accept it.

A light suddenly turned on, revealing a door that Lambert had yet to see thanks to how dark everything was. It opened in a slow manner similar to the door before it.

Using Caution, The Red Crown turned itself into a blade for the Lamb to wield, doing so with two hands...

Checkpoint Reached!

...Another terminal?
(Now Playing - Take Care) (


Oh come on, that was COMPLETELY uncalled for! Lambert didn't even do anything that time!


Oh, great, now it's reading their mind.


Lambert had enough.

In a fit of rage, they swung their sword down onto the monitor of the Terminal, cutting off their music entirely. Cracking the screen and- that blood?! THESE THINGS CAN BLEED?
Lambert blinked twice at such a revelation, how? How did these things produce blood? Were they machine? This- this felt wrong, in every sense of the word.

Through the cracked screen, the terminal began reading something different.
Tip Of The Day:
Do NOT Anger it.

...not wanting to think about it further, they proceeded onward into a narrow, small tunnel. Soon leading into a larger room.

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