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(Now Playing - ORDER (intro))

"Ah... Free, At last."
He began to speak, slowly rising from the ground and standing on their two feet, looking up into the ceiling.
"O, Gabriel... Now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall GLISTEN, Before the temples of Man!"
Making clenched fists, the man would turn to Lambert.

"Creature... of st- wool." he corrected himself.
"My Gratitude upon thee for my Freedom." The man bows, as to show appreciation, before quickly standing up straight.
"But the Crimes, that thy followers have committed against the others? Are NOT, Forgotten."
"And Thy punishment..."

The figure in front then begins stretching their left arm, cracking a bone, and turning to make eye contact with the Lamb, despite the lack of eyes.

(Now Playing - ORDER)

[////////////MINOS PRIME/////////////]

The Lights turned on with a click, the figure marched towards the Lamb with absolute authority as Lambert prepared themselves, charging towards the new figure with Determination, and Focus.

They shouted, suddenly lunging themselves to the Lamb and delivering a nasty Left hook, striking Lambert into the gut.
Then another lunge, Faster than a blur as they deliver a kick to Lamberts Face.

This caused Lambert to roll backwards, Grunting in pain.
Before they could even React, Minos Prime suddenly was in front of the Lamb, Their right hand glowing yellow as they made a throwing motion. A yellow snake, homed in on their location, Shattering like glass and knocking Lambert back into the wall. Killing them.

Lambert woke back up at the Checkpoint, groaning.
This was gonna take longer than expected...
on the other hand, The Red Crown seemed excited. Finally, a good fight.

"Useless!" The figure mocked upon seeing the little lamb return. Both marching towards eachother.
This time, it was the Lamb who'd make the first blow, firing a curse straight into the direction of Minos Prime, who tanked it like it was simply nothing.
Next, a swing of the sword.

Bringing their weapon overhead, they'd swing the blade down upon Minos. Who would find themselves surprised when blocked by nothing other than their own hands.
The Red Crown was now more excited than before.

Breaking the Clash, Minos Prime shoved Lambert back using their hands, The snakes wrapped around their arms hissed as a taunt as Minos proceeded to go on all 4's.
Lambert, breaking their slide by piercing the sword into the ground, looked forward at Minos, realizing what attack they're going for next.
"Judgment!" They shouted. Faster than a blur, they lunged towards the Lamb despite the distance.
Reacting fast, Lambert rolled to the side, Minos ends up colliding his feet with the air, a light blue explosion followed after that barely even phased the Lamb. Swinging their sword and letting more blood spill from Minos.

Not even Reacting, Minos let out an uppercut that launched both himself and the Lamb, almost hitting the ceiling the both of them.
Raising both arms over their head, they'd strike the Lamb in the stomach and launch them into the ground. Minos Prime suspending himself in the air. "CRUSH!" Was the last thing the Lamb heard that attempt, as Minos Prime suddenly forces ALL of himself down upon The lamb from the air, making an explosion and killing the sheep yet again, causing them to wake up at the checkpoint upon impact.

Attempt, After Attempt, After Attempt was made. Thus far, Lambert has yet to find any progress made outside of this excuse for Trial and Error.
"Thy End is Now!" "Prepare Thyself!" "Die!" Words that kept echoing through their mind, Haunting the lamb from how many times they've failed thus far. Was he truly great?
After a while they sighed, turning to the Terminal which... had not been damaged? Oh, right, the checkpoint had saved before they damaged the terminal.
Groaning, they'd stand up and approach the terminal, which hummed to life.

(Now Playing - Take Care) (

Surprisingly, instead of being an asshole, the terminal actually provided some useful information for The Lamb.


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