Midnight Stars- Sprace

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The warmth of the flichering candlestick besides him was enough to keep Spot from freezing to death in the crisp autumn air. Spot couldn't sleep again so instead of closing his eyes to go to dreamland.. all he had to do was look up.

He was a huge sucker for stargazing. He'd been interested in those twinkling lights ever since he was a kid. A kid who didn't have the responsibility of a leader, a king. A kid who could just be a kid. Spot missed those days, having the comfort of knowing everything will be okay..

Not long later, Race stirred in his sleep. He stretched his limbs out as his eyes fluttered open. For a moment he panicked, unsure where he was in the first place. Then once he sat up his thoughts calmed as he reminded himself of prior events.

He'd gone and slept over in Brooklyn.

That's why he didn't immediately recognize his sleeping quarters, it was Spot's. Spot insisted Race slept in his room, which Race didn't mind whatsoever. That's when it hit him.

Spot's sleeping body wasn't besides him, or there at all for that matter.

Race then noticed a chill in the room, Spot's room was never this cold. He turned his head and shivered. The window to the fire escape was open and letting cold air in. Race tiptoed his way out of bed, regretting it immediately as his skin was exposed to that chill. He put on more clothes in hopes to fight the cold at least a little. He didn't feel like getting sick this year.

Once somewhat dressed and ready to venture out, he poked his head out the window first. That's when he spotted that all too familiar figure.

"Figured you'd be out here, can't sleep?" Race asked in a hushed tone. Spot smiled softly as he watched the other swung his legs over, hop onto the fire escape, and sit down besides him. Race wrapped an arm around Spot's cold shoulders, holding him close.

"Can't sleep." Spot echoed, Race hummed.

"Want me to sing ya' a lullaby or somethin'?" Race joked, Spot rolled his eyes fondly.

"I's don't need ya' to sing me no lullaby." He said with a shake of the head, Race frowned exaggerated enough to tell Spot he wasn't actually upset.

"Ugh, fine- but you're missing out. I have a great singing voice." Race said as a matter of factly, wiggling his eyebrows as Spot leaned over to rest his head in Race's lap. Race's hands were already in Spot's hair as if this was a common occurrence.

It was.

Spot sighed, his eyes fluttering shut. Race melted at the sight of it all. Watching someone you have known for years as this high and mighty king sleep this peacefully was surreal to Race. With his hand softly brushing through others dark hair, Race looked up at the stars himself.

Midnight stars..

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