The Pan Incident- Modern Sprace

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A/n- I posted this on ao3 a while back- it's a part of my friend and I's modern newsies au appropriately called "I loafed you roomie". We might eventually make it into a full fletched story but for now take this goofy little thing I wrote based on our messages 🙏

It was way too early for anyone to be awake. But here Race was completely wide awake. He laid like a starfish, his right arm and leg dangled off the bed as he stared straight up at the ceiling. The room was barely lit, meaning it was early as shit.

Race reached over and went to grab his phone from the bedside table. The harsh bright light practically blinded Race. He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. He blinked a few times before he could see again. He smiled at his wallpaper, it was a picture that was taken at homecoming. It was in a photobooth the event had provided.

His friends and him almost couldn't fit in the small space. Everyone was squished together and smiling so wide. Race was pressed aganst the wall in Spots lap. It was to make more room. Albert and Hotshot were crammed in next, then Jack and Davey. Crutchie, Smalls, Romeo, Finch, and Jojo were trying their hardest to all fit in frame. Romeo had draped himself across everyone and landed his head in Race's lap. Race still to this day didn't understand how the hell they all managed to fit. He didn't think he ever would understand.

He read the time: 6:30 am. Race huffed, turning his phone off and went back to staring at the ceiling, He turned onto his side and eyes the sleeping body next to him. An idea came to Race in an instant. He sat up as quietly as possible, careful to not wake up Spot, his boyfriend. He slid out of bed and threw on a shirt. He tiptoed his way out the bedroom and into the kitchen.

Race decided he was going to make Spot breakfast. Spot always did the cooking. But this time was going to be different! Race didn't know how to cook anything fancy. He grabbed the bread from the pantry. He popped two pieces of bread into the toaster. He swung the fridge door open and pulled the egg carton out. He opened it to find there only to be a single egg left. Race cursed under his breath. It was Albert's turn to go shopping next. He scribbled down 'eggs' on the shopping list whiteboard on the side of the fridge.

He placed the egg down nicely besides the stove. He spun to the opposite side of the kitchen to the sink. Albert must have used the pan last, it sat in the sink. What was he making anyways? There was nothing in their pantry that required a pan?? The cherry on top was that he didnt clean it. Race rolled his eyes and began scrubbing the shit out of the pan.

A good amount of time had passed. Spot sturred groggily, a loud bang came from the kitchen. Spot jumped and sat up. He ran a hand through his hair and begrudgingly pulled himself out of bed. He raised an eyebrow at the emply side of the bed. He always was the one to wake up first. Spot sifted through the laundry and pulled out a pair of Race's lobster pajama pants. Jack had gotten them for Race as a joke but that didn't stop Race from wearing them all the time. Spot grumbled as he pulled them on, they were almost too big on him. He tiredly rubbed his eyes. The scent of burning made Spot's eyes shoot open. He was taken aback by the sight that was playing out before him.

The kitchen was thick with smoke, how the fire alarm in the apartment complex didn't go off was a miracle. Race was frantically waving a towel over the fire alarm, spitting out every single curse word he knew. The toaster was on its side and burnt toast was tossed onto the counter.

"Race- What the fuck happened here??" Spot stood there flabbergasted, his eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed. Race whipped his whole body around, the pan in hand.

"Spot! Um- I was.. making you breakfast.?" Just as Race tried showing Spot the burnt as fuck eggs, the pan snapped in half. The one half slammed against the floor. Race yelped, slapping a hand over his mouth. The blonde stared at the broken pan for a moment, then the splattered fallen burnt eggs, then the pan handle.

"Spot.. I broke the pan.." Race slowly looked back up at Spot's astonished expression.

"How- How the fuck did you break the pan?!" Spot exclaimed.

"I don't know- Spot I'm scared." Race chuckled, waving the pan handle around. Race erupted into a fit of laughter, Spot caught off guard by this just snickered along worryingly.

"I wanted- to cook for o-once! I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed- like- like a king or somethin'—" Race said in between giggles, all while clutching his stomach. Also using a potholder and trying his damndest to get the pan off the floor without burning himself.

Spot took a step into the kitchen. He picked up one of the pieces of burnt toast and stared at it. Race's laughter died down and was now just heavy labored breathing.

"You were making me breakfast.?" Spot raised an eyebrow, he picked up the other piece and threw it out. Race nodded, finally able to get the pan off the floor and into the sink to cool off.

"I got distracted with makin' the eggs I didn't realize I put the toast in for too long. Then I got so distracted getting the toast out- I burnt the eggs and—"

"Hey, it's alright." Spot smirked, taking Race's hand into his. Race dipped his head down in shame. Spot just shook his head, cupping Race's cheek with his other hand. Race's face scrunched up as he smiled.

"Wanna go to ihop or somethin'?" Spot asked, Race perked up immediately.

"As long as you're payin', Spotty." Race said, playfully wiggling his eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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