31. Julian

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Hunters POV

I wake up and feel instant panic as I see the sunlight in my face.
I'm still at home!!!
I race my self up and realise I was sleeping in Julian's arms.
I look around and see no one else but there's a blanket over us and I frown.
Ofcourse they'd do that...
I pick up the note next to the sofa and read it

To hunter and Julian.

We called ur school and gave you day off because you guys looked to tired to drive back home last night.
(We told them you guys were going me to work with us so if anyone asks just say it was awesome)
Anyway we had to go to New York and film so you have the house for yourself .
Enjoy the day.
- mom and dad.

Okay I have to admit my parents are pretty cool..
I take a deep breath and finally relax.
Julian is laying in the sofa next to me snoring a bit and I laugh.
This weekend he has been nothing but supporting for me held me in his arms when I cried and even made me smile when I thought I couldn't.
Also I kissed him.
I feel bit guilty for that because I'm still in a relationship with Andy.
But he doesn't have to know about that..
I'm not gonna break up with Andy unless I know something's between me and Julian..
I poke Julian's face thinking its time he wakes up because I'm bored.
He groans and I laugh.
"Wake up Julian"
I whipped in his ears and he open his eyes slightly.
"What time is it?"
"12 pm"
I say and he sits up his eyes wide open.
"Shit I'm late I have classes!!"
He almost yells then he looks around him.
"We're still at your parents!! Shit shit shit shit shit!"
He murmurs walking in circles around the room.
So I decide to stop him I take his shoulders and he stops and looks at me with worried eyes And I smile at him and give him the note.
He reads it and then takes a relaxing his body.
"Damn I was worried"
He says and laughs
"Yeah so was I"
"So what you wanna do today?"
"We'll I thought we should go get breakfast."
And he smiles.
"Good idea."
Then he looks troubled.
I ask confused.
"I don't have any normal day cloths with me..."
And I laugh. He had borrowed some cloths from Oliver yesterday.
"You can just invade ollie's closet he owns like billion of clothes"
I say.
"You don't think he'd mind?"
"Come on Julian he fucking adores you!"
I say laughing as pushing him in Julian's room.
"Go change and I'll do the same."
And he closes the door I walk into my closet and pick out a high waisted black ripped skinny jeans and gray crop tops it's no sleeves and log neck.
Then I put my hair into messy French braid and but on a beanie I also do my make up my to much but not to little.
Then I hear knock on the door.
"Hey you ready?"
I hear Julian's in the room already so I walk out of the bathroom.
"Yeah! Let's go!"
We drive toward cute coffee house and park.
"so this is cute"
He says and slips his hand in mine and we walk in.
"Ofcourse it's cute"
I say sitting down and a waitress walks to us.
"Can I take your order?"
She asks and I nod.
"I'll get waffles and Coffe."
I say and Julian nods.
"I'll get pancakes with bacon and coffe."
And she nods and walks away with our order.
"this town is so cute."
He says and I nod.
"Yeah I love it here"
"Yeah it reminds me a lot of home actually."
He says and I smile.
"Really? I never been to Sweden how is it?"
I ask.
"Well there's a lot of trees and well the system there is bit better then here but other than that I like America."
"Are you gonna go there for Christmas?"
And he shakes his head.
"No I can't afford it so I'll stay here.."
"Oh okay.. If you want you can always celebrate with us?"
I ask I know it's very close to Christmas only month. It's sad being alone on Christmas very sad..
"Oh thank you it means a lot."
"No problem at all. You know Julian you mean A lot to-"
And the damn waitress cuts me off bringing our food.
Which smells amazing by the way.
Julian looks at me like he's waiting now for me to finish.
"Anyway what I was saying.
You mean a lot to me you've been there when I needed you which not many people have I know my family seems close to perfect but it's so far from it but if you want you are always welcome to my home around the holidays."
I say softly
"thanks hunter you also mean a lot to me."
He says and I smile.
He looks good.
Very good.
Also his lips looks very kissable.
Damn hunter.
"You okay?"
He asks em confused and I shake my head.
"What sorry just lost myself in my thought.."
And he laughs and starts eating his pancakes.
so I do to.

"Well,well,well I it isn't little I'm to good for you."
I hear a bitchy voice say and I look up and see her blond hair, fake eyelashes and gray eyes..
And I feel anger bottle inside of me.
She was the reason Joel killed him self that bitch.
"What do you want?"
I spit at her.
A boy next to her backs little by away.
So I stand up given. Her a challenging look.
"What do you mean? Do I need something? No didn't think so!"
"Do you know how pathetic you are? I know what you did! You should be ashamed of yourself and you even showed up to his funeral!"
I spit at her my knuckles getting white.
"What do you mean? I did nothing to him! He enjoyed every part of me.
"Oh so you don't remember him telling you that you were fake? Oh or that you came to his room and fucking sexual abused him while he was to high to defend himself? Or that you spread around that you two had sex? You ruined his life your reason we broke up and he killed himself you ugly ass fucking terrible fake slut!"
I scream at her and hit her in her face and she falls to the ground and I can see blood going out her nose but I don't care she deserves so much worse.
"I will ruin your life just as you ruined his bitch!"
I spit at her kicking her in the stomach that was when Julian grabbed me from behind and Eve stood up blood over her.
"You crazy bitch!"
She spits at me and is about to beat me When the guy she was with grabs her and holds her back.
"Let's go."
Julian whispers and holds me out to the car.
I boiling I'm so angry.
Fucking Cunt.
He stops infront of the car and looks down on me his hands around my cheeks.
"I should kill her!"
I spit at him but then her does something I never expected..
He kissed me.
I was was so startled that I just stood there still for a moment then I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer and his hands go from my cheeks to my lower back.
Then he pulls away and our forehead touch.
"Good your calm now."
And I pull away and raise my eyebrow.
"You did that to calm me?"
And he nods
"It worked."
He says smiling And I frown and open the car close the door after Me.

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