35. Arrival

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Hunter's POV

"Are you nervous?"
I ask Julian as he loads up the car.
"No not really I think it will be nice experience other cultures Christmas also you do have a nice family which is good."
He says and I smile.
"Yeah well it's good that your excited I hope that you will enjoy it."
And he pulls me in his arms.
"Hunter of course I'm just grateful for not spending Christmas alone but with my best friend."
He says and I feel my face blushing so I hide it in Julian's chest.
"Well we should get going shall we?"
I say and he laughs.
"Yeah let's go."
"I'm hungry though so let's stop by in Starbucks before going."
Julian says and I nod.
"Sounds good!"

"Julian! It's so good to see you!!"
My mom squeals as we walk in the door as she crushed him into a hug.
"Hey liv! It's good seeing you too!"
He says and hugs her back.
"Where's dad?"
I ask mom and she looks at me.
"He's in New York said he needed to finish buying Christmas gifts for y'all. So Julian are you excited for Christmas? Whatcha favourite Christmas meal? Or movie? Or you sleeping in hunters room? Because let's be honest all the other rooms will be full..."
Mom says booming him with questions.
"Eh yeah I'm excited and I love meatballs and sausages, my favourite Christmas movie is grinch and yea I'll be rooming with hunter."
He says answering all my moms questions.
"okay great "
"When will the others come?"
I ask and she smiles.
"Well Oliver comes tomorrow, Ava will come in two days and I think Ian and Tyler will come today also and Dan tomorrow."
Mom says.
"Okay great we're gonna go into my room and unpack."
I say as mom nods.
When we're in my room Julian takes deep breath.
"Okay how big is your family you need to write down some family tree for me or something.."
He says with troubled look on his face and I laughs
"You'll get it."
I say and he frowns.
So I take paper and start making family tree.
"Well here is Ian his wife's name is Daisy and they have two girls
Brittany which is twelve and Diana who is nine.
Then there is Tyler his wife's name is Maria and they have one kid named Luke he's 10 years old.
Then there is Dan his wife's name is Sydney and they have one kid named spencer and he's 15 years old.
Last but not least there is Ava she's my dads sister."
I say finishing writing All the names on the paper and Julian nods.
"Well it's getting clearer now."
He says and I laugh.
"I hope so I just drew a damn. Family tree for you!"
I say and fall to my bed.
"Don't be bitter it doesn't suit you!"
He mocks me and opens his bag.
"I'm not bitter!"
"Oh okay sure"
He says and I roll my eyes.
"You're something hunter."
"I'll take that as compliment."
I mutter As I open my closet.
"Take it ass you want."
He says and I laugh.
"Who's bitter now."
I mock him.
"You are."
He says hugging me from behind.
"I couldn't."
I say innocent.
"Sure you are"
He says burring his face him my neck.
To be honest I don't know what me and Julian are I know we aren't couple but sometimes he acts like we are like when he does stuff like this.
"I'm gonna go change."
I say and he pulls away and I grab my sweatpants and crop top and slip in it.
When i go back in my room I see Julian is on skype.
Speaking Swedish i think.
"ingen mamma hon är inte min flickvän"
He says with annoyed expression on his face.
I liked hearing him speaking Swedish I find it beautiful.
"Oh hey I didn't see you there!"
Julian says looking at me.
"hon är där? låt mig se henne"
His mother says and i see him frown.
"Come here hunter and I sit beside him and I see beautiful Middle Aged woman in the screen.
"You must be hunter!"
She says with strong accent.
"Yes hey! Your Julian's mom right?"
I say and she laughs.
"Hon är väldigt söt Julian."
She says grinning and I look at her confused.
"Slutta mamma"
And my eyes widen and I slap Julian on the shoulder.
"Did you just call your mom a slut!"
I say and they both laugh.
" God no hunter! Slutta means stop in Swedish."
And I feel my cheeks turn red.
I say embarrassed.
Then j hear my mom call me.
"Oh I need to go! I ehmm see you later Ida"
I say.
"Yes darling it's good to see you finally."
And I run out the room god that was embarrassing me.
My mom is in the kitchen smiling at some paper in her hands.
"Okay good you came alone."
She says and I look at her confused.
"Here are the tickets just so Julian gets what your giving him."
And I grin and jump in her arms.
"Thanks mom your the best!"
I squeal and she laughs
"so are you and Julian Dating?"
She ask and j shake my head.
"No just friends.. I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship yet."
And she nods.
"I still can't believe he'd do that to my angel."
Mom says cupping my cheek I see tear sliding down her cheek.
"But I'm so proud you that you stood up for yourself."
She says and pulls me into a hug.
"I love you mom."
"Love you to."

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