Late Night

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It wasn't until late in the night — or early in the morning, your call — when Mizuni finally managed to get back to the habs area of ISS Infinity. She was stumbling around like she was drunk, and Williams tried to keep her standing. Both of them were giggling like little girls.

"My legs are so tired, I can't seem to walk," Mizuni said. "I haven't danced like that since my first year in the Academy." She stopped and leaned against the wall.

Williams looked at her and smiled. "You dance so well, Val," she signed. "I didn't know you were that good. Where did you learn?"

"My mom was a professional dancer, and my sisters were models and dancers, so I kinda learned by being exposed to it so much. You could say that because of who I am, dancing and modeling are sort of in my blood." Mizuni said, closed her eyes, and tried to keep standing still. "Still, doesn't mean my legs are used to it," she added.

Williams giggled. "You walk like you'd be totally drunk," she signed. "And as far as I know, you didn't drink anything?"

"Just water," Mizuni said. "I don't like the taste of alcohol. But my legs aren't used to this much exercise." She staggered towards her room. Stopped, then laughed. "It does look like I'm drunk," she said. "Someone must have fun with the security tapes."

Williams laughed at her. "They can't be having as fun as we did," she signed. "There's your room. Let's get you in so I can be sure you don't end up on the floor."

"Thanks," Mizuni said and tottered into her room, and then fell onto her bed. She let out a long, content sigh. "My legs are on fire," she said.

Williams smiled at her and shook her head. "You're unbelievable, Val," she signed. "You're intelligent, funny, you can dance like nobody, you're so pretty, and kind. Whoever gets you will be one lucky girl."

Mizuni scrambled up to sit on her bed and looked at Williams with her eyebrow up. "Thanks, but... what brought that to your mind?"

"Because if I was into girls like you, I'd totally try to stay the night," she signed and grinned at her.

Mizuni blushed, making her teal skin almost as red as her hair. "Uhm..." was all she managed to say until her head parsed all the words Mizuni had just signed to her.

"Hold up, Tami!" she said, raising her eyebrows and turning to look at her friend. "Into girls? You think I'm into girls?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"You aren't?" Williams signed, looking as surprised as Mizuni. "I thought you and Vivienne were a couple at the Academy! I'm sorry if I'm wrong."

Mizuni took a couple of seconds to process, and then she laughed out loud, giggling and shaking her head. "No, no!" she said in the midst of laughter. "We are — and were — just friends. Vivi's not into that at all. She's too much in love with science to spare her time for love and things like that," she said.

Williams grinned. "You know that's probably true. She's way too much in love with science to do anything else," she signed. She tilted her head slightly to the side and pouted her lips. "What about you, then, Val? Do you crave someone?"

Mizuni blushed again and looked down. "I... I don't know," she said quietly. She took a deep breath and lifted her gaze. "I don't know. I really don't. I guess I haven't thought about it that much. Like... I know I wouldn't want to be alone, but... You know me, Tami. I'm me. Who would want to spend their life with a person like this?" she said, and grinned nervously.

Williams gasped, and her eyes flashed open. Her fingers and hands worked frantically when she signed to Mizuni, "Val, you're exceptional. I don't know why anybody would not like to spend their time with you! Don't say that about yourself, Val! You're one of the best people I know. Anyone you choose will be a lucky one!"

Mizuni blushed even more, and she fiddled with her hair nervously. "Tami, you're too good for me," she said. "I'm not... like that. I'm a flawed little girl who is entirely too fixated in her dreams about hypergates and spbubs and space travel for anyone to tolerate."

"Val, stop." Mizuni signed very exaggeratedly. "You're not flawed. You're a good person, and someday you will see there will be someone for you. Someone who will see that little girl scientist and fall in love with you because you're you, not in spite of it."

Mizuni smiled and looked at Williams, who had now crossed her hands in front of her and almost scowled at Mizuni. "Thanks, Tami," Mizuni said quietly. "I feel better now, really. Thank you," she said and smiled warmly at Williams. Then her brain caught up with things, and she blushed slightly again, and turned her gaze down.

"Though, you were right with the other thing," she said and smiled nervously.

"The other thing?" Williams signed.

"About... uh... about," Mizuni stuttered. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "About my... orientation," she said and looked at Williams.

Williams' eyes opened, then her features softened, and she smiled. "I knew it," she signed. "No worries. It's not a bad thing. And I'm not going to tell anyone if you don't want me to."

Mizuni nodded at her. "Thanks," she said. Then she grinned widely. "Now, get out so I can go to sleep and wake up tomorrow at a somewhat decent time. The day after that, we need to leave and I need to be in tip-top shape so I don't fuck it up with the Polarizer."

Williams laughed at her, waved goodbye, and left. Mizuni fell back onto her bed and closed her eyes. "Today, sleep. Tomorrow, rest. After that... adventure." She muttered to herself and smiled widely and promptly fell asleep. 

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