1. Green n Second

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Green and Second are both males in here.

⚠️ Things that are implied in this chapter:
Hair pulling, masturbation, grinding.


It was in the middle of the night when Second had suddenly woken up. He would usually be sound asleep through the night, but he woke up so suddenly. He sighed, rolling to face the other side of his room; the wall. He tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't. He groaned, putting his hands on his eyes as he sat up.

He decided to get a glass of water, since he had nothing to do. He couldn't sleep, so why not have a glass to calm himself? Who knows if the relaxation could help him sleep.

Second opened the door of his room, heading towards the stairs as he walked down to the first floor. He tried his best not to wake up his other friends, since the wooden floor creaked a lot. He tip-toed to the kitchen, before he could walk normally on the marble floor. He grabbed a glass of water, filling it with water.

Second then took a small sip from the glass of water, feeling quenched as he starts to chug up the glass in a swift move. He let out a sigh, placing the glass on the counter. He washed the glass thoroughly and let it sit to dry. He stretched his arms, feeling refreshed and calm.

Second then walked out of the kitchen, trying to tip-toe up the stairs as he was about to head to his room. Before he could enter, he heard some noises coming from Green's room. It sounded like Green groaning, humming, etc. Second listened to the noises, as he thought; should he go check up on Green?

He thought it would be weird of him to do so, because it felt like it was so late at night. He didn't even know what time it was, since he didn't look at a clock or watch to keep track of time. He decided to check up on Green, since he felt like he should be brave and face it.

He then knocked on the door of Green's room, as he heard a hum of confusion coming from Green who was inside of the room. "Hm? Oh, uh, come in." Green spoke, nearly a mumble as Second gently opened the door, peeking his head inside the room to see Green on his phone, visibly playing video games with headphones with the lamp on.

"Oh come on, Green. You're playing on your phone this late?" Second spoke, shaking his head at Green as he entered the room, closing the door as he stood there looking at Green.

"Hey, I couldn't sleep. Sorry if I woke you up." Green spoke, looking back at his phone ad he continued to play on the gadget, wearing his headphones again.

Second rolled his eyes, walking towards Green as he looked over at him. Second took a glance at the time on Green's phone, realizing it was past 1 AM. He sort of looked pissed, as Green was still up at such an hour.

"Seriously? 1 AM and you're playing a stupid rhythm game?" Second asked him, snatching Green's phone as he gasped. "Hey, give that back!" Green spoke, standing up to grab his phone back before Second turned his phone off, keeping it in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Dude, give that back! I lost my combo!" Green whined, as Second scoffed. "Not unless if you go to bed." Second spoke, as he made sure that Green could not get his phone back from Second.

"Fuck you!" Green spoke, pouncing on Second as they both dropped onto the floor. Green was ontop of Second, as he tried to take his phone from Second. He groaned with frustration, as he pulled Second's hair. "Give me my phone back!" Green spoke with panic, not being able to think straight. He didn't even notice he pulled Second's hair.

With sudden unexpectedness, Second let out a moan. He covered his mouth with shock and embarrassment, as Green's heart skipped a beat. Green noticed that Second had his phone in his hands, as Green snatched it from him.

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