2. King Orange n Dark

288 3 15

Requested by Ocxean (and possibly others)

King and Dark are both males in this story.

⚠️ Things that are implied in this chapter:
Dry humping, overstimulation, aphrodisiacs, edging.


The both of them did not have such a close relationship, but they have been trying to live with each other. They were in good terms, and they always tried to help each other with their issues there.

Though it was silent in the house, they always had a nice bond with eachother whenever they had the chance to have a moment with just the two of them together. They did live with Purple as well, since King obviously had to take them in as their son. Dark didn't have the best bond with Purple, but they both tried their best to make good memories with each other.

With that said, King was sitting on the couch watching TV. He was drinking what seemed to be a glass of cold apple juice that Dark had given him. It was a really hot afternoon, and the temperature outside barely went down when the sun was gone. Even with the moon out, he still felt hot and he needed something to refreshen himself. King got a little bored, switching TV shows over and over again. Not a single show had catched his attention.

He sighed, taking another sip of his glass. The apple juice tasted a little odd, not that he didn't like it, but it just tasted different. H assuned that Dark added a little sugar in it, maybe something else. Or maybe he was just overthinking about it, maybe he was just really thirsty. As he kept thinking about it, he heard familiar footsteps approaching him. It was Dark.

"Hey, Orange." Dark spoke to him as he sat beside him on the couch. King felt a little more calm and happy as Dark was in his sight, a small smile curling his lips. "Hello, Dark." He spoke back, giving a small peck on Dark's head as a small blush formed on Dark's cheek. "What're you doing here all alone? You should go to bed." Dark spoke, leaning on King as he faced the TV with him.

"I can't sleep." King simply responded to him. "Oh, thanks for the apple juice by the way. I enjoyed it." King spoke, chugging the last bit of the apple juice as he did so.

"Absolutely no problem, happy to help." Dark spoke, taking the remote as he switched it to a movie he was interested in. "Let's watch this movie, I'm bored." Dark spoke, laying his head on King's shoulder as he clung onto his arm. King noticed his behavior, as he placed the glass on the table infront of the couch. King nodded, "Sure." he spoke to Dark.

King was keeping his eyes on the TV, as he wrapped his arms around Dark. He felt like he was happy to have Dark with him since it's been a while since he had comfort like this.

After over half an hour of watching the movie, King started to feel a little tingly. His stomach was twisting into knots and he was starting to get nervous for some reason. His fingers were itching a little and he clenched his teeth. What was this familiar feeling? He was starting to get much more nervous as he did not want to move, since Dark was still leaning onto him.

King's breathing and heartbeat increased into a rapid pace, as he could suddenly feel a warmth inbetween his legs. What was happening? He tried to think about why he felt this way, as he suddenly realized it was probably because of the apple juice. There were probably aphrodisiacs in there. Was it Dark who added them in, or was it on accident? King couldn't think straight anymore.

He then realized that there was a sexual scene on the TV. Dark's head tilted a little at the scene, as his eyes were locked onto the TV. King took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down as he suddenly felt Dark's hand on his thigh. King's breath hitched, feeling his hand wander off to his inner thigh. King tried not to make a noise, as he looked down at his growing erection.

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