4. Purple n Red

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Purple is a transmasc and Red is a male in this story.

⚠️ Things that are implied in this chapter: Masturbation, grinding/humping, oral sex


For a while now, Purple had been talking on his phone with the color gang, and he would mostly plan on making schedules about hanging out with them. He would mostly talk with Second, Green, and Red. At that moment, Purple felt like hanging out with some of them again tonight to watch a game of monopoly and freecell.

He was on the phone with Green that evening, as he said he was going to be on the way. As they both hung up, he grabbed his elytra and said goodbye to Orange who was at home with him.

"Hey, Dad." Purple called out for him, as Orange turned his head around. He got used to Purple calling him 'Dad', and he personally loved it. "Hey, Purp." He spoke back to him, ruffling the younger male's hair. "You gonna go spend time with the others, huh? Are you planning on staying over there?" Orange asked him while offering him a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich, as Purple gratefully took the sandwich and ate it right away.

"Probably, I'll keep you updated on the phone. Maybe I will be." Purple spoke, as he gave Orange a hug before he left. The bigger male patted Purple's back, as he was seen munching on the sandwich while wearing his elytra. "I'll be off now, bye!" He spoke, running off. Orange chuckled at him, walking off to mind his business.

Purple went into the trapdoor that Orange had in the house, skipping to the portal in it as he flew through the nether. The place was a little more decorated ever since, and other portals were built across the area. Purple flew through a certain portal and flew into where the color gang was; ALANSPC.

Blue was nearby, and he noticed Purple. Blue jumped, and ran over to Purple. "Hey, man!" He called out, as Purple's face brightened. "Hi!" He spoke out, as Blue then gave Purple a welcoming hug. "Come, some of us are already in the house." Blue spoke, as he lead Purple to the house where the others were sat at.

As Blue opened the door, Second and Yellow were seen playing freecell before the monopoly game. They seemed to be arguing about how it was nonsense. "Oh, come on! What do you mean there's no more moves!?" The leader of the group exclaimed grumpily, as Yellow laughed. "Looks like you gotta restart." Yellow spoke with a smug look, before he glanced at Blue and Purple.

"Oh, Purple! You've arrived!" Yellow spoke happily, walking towards Purple and giving him a respectful handshake that Purple accepted. When Second heard Purple's name, he turned to his back and ran towards Purple, hugging him. "Hi there!!" He spoke happily, since he is a friendly figure. Purple let out a happy chuckle, patting Second's back.

"Hey, where's Red and Green?" Purple asked, looking around to see none of them showed up in his sight. "Oh, they're upstairs. It's either they're getting ready or they're asleep." Yellow spoke, as Purple nodded understandingly. "We still have some time to spare before the game, we've got Alan watching too!" Blue spoke, as he ran outside the house.

He ran up to the computer screen, looking around at the slightly blurry sight of Alan's room, as Purple followed from behind. They saw Alan walking into the room and grabbing his glasses, as he sat down and looked over to the screen. Blue jumped up and down, waving his hand at Alan. He waved back from the outside of the screen, as he moved his cursor.

The cursor was somehow able to fit in the door, so Alan could see the inside and interact. Alan was mainly paying attention to Second, giving him a little pat on the head.

After a bit, the color gang and Alan were playing monopoly. There were four players, which were Second, Yellow, Blue, and Alan. The other three, which are Green, Red, and Purple, decided to watch since they all agreed that four people should watch. They included Alan so it could be funnier.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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