The past

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Author's POV-

Diya looked up into the sky.It was a bright day.She smiled sadly,reminiscing the traumatic past events in her life.But if she told him the truth,she  was sure,he wouldn't believe her.For him,she was a gold-digger,a liar,a money-minded girl,she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Chaitanya had gone to the office,she spent her time sitting on the bed because he had clearly ordered her to not do any chores.

Diya's POV-

The bell rang."Good morning ma'am.I am Lakshmi,Mr.Raghuvanshi has appointed me as the new house-help",a lady in her mid 50s said.I looked at her me,confused.My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call.
"Did the house-help arrive?",Chaitanya asked.
"Oh!Um...yeah,she did",I replied.
"Okay",he ended the call.
"Please come in",I smiled and offered her a glass of water."Thank you so much ma'am",she said picking up the glass."Please don't call me ma'am,you are elder to me.Call me Diya",I replied.She nodded.
After explaining her tasks of the house,I went to the kitchen to prepare the dinner.It was already 9.But he isn't gonna come anytime soon.I made Ms. Lakshmi and myself tea and asked her to sit down along with me.She hesitated at first,but sat down as we started talking and laughing.
It had only been half and hour or so when I heard the bell ring.
It was Chaitanya.He came so early?
"I want to talk to you",he suddenly grasped my arm and dragged me to his room.

Chaitanya's POV-
"Sir,we have retrieved the information that you asked for",my informer said on the phone."Okay.Send me the details",I said cutting the call.

Name-Diya Sharma
Age-27 Years
Has a masters degree in business administration.Was 2 years old when her mother died,after which her father married  Ruchi Sharma who already had a son- year later,Mrunali was born to them.Wasn't given much importance in the house,had to give up her dream job.Worked in a small school in the town which paid her a meagre salary but she managed her expenses on her own and contributed to the house finances too.
And on that night,was seen with her step brother Arjun .She had checked into a small hotel,alone. Wasn't in a good condition when she did so.We were unable to get the CCTV footage in the time between,when they met.

"Diya is Mrunali's step-sister ? She never told this.Now,I really do need to talk to her",I left my cabin and drove back home.

Author's POV-
"What happened Chaitanya?",I asked him as he took me to his room.
"I want to know THE TRUTH today,Diya.You have kept so many secrets till now.But,NO LIES today!",Chaitanya roared. Diya looked into his eyes,still unsure of saying anything.

"Tell me everything right now, otherwise you have to face the worst conseque---".

"WHAT ELSE IS LEFT FOR ME TO FACE?WHAT ELSE?DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.YOU WANNA KILL ME FOR YOUR REVENGE ?GO AHEAD BUT I AM ALREADY DEAD INSIDE,CHAITANYA! EVERYONE HAS DONE WHATEVER THEY WANTED TO.YOU TOO GO AHEAD,FULFILL YOUR WISH.KILL ME!", Diya yelled placing Chaitanya's hands on her neck, indicating him to strangle her. But he was too stunned to respond. He did not expect such an outlash. Diya placed her head on his chest and bawled as she continued in a low voice,"kill-kill me, do it...kill me".

Chaitanya caressed her head and held her tightly. He made her sit on the bed ,passing her a glass of water,said,"Diya,I'm sorry, take your time, talk whenever you feel like.I'll not pressurize you".As he got up to leave,she held his hand.
"I was two when muma died.My papa was never there for me,he loved Ruchi maa so much that he forgot...,"she sobbed."He forgot that he had a daughter too. Ruchi maa came here along with Arjun ,they weren't good to me.Leave good ,they didn't even behave well with me.I was not even fed properly. Whenever maa made something delicious to eat,she didn't even offer me anything. It's tough,for a five-year old you know,when you are not even aware of the world, you are pressurized to take care of yourself, all on your own." Diya spoke as Chaitanya stroked her back to make her feel at ease."Then they had Mrunali, when I was six. She was like my real sister to me but she too,never thought about me,and treated me like an outsider. You know Chaitanya...I was around 7-8 years of age when I started helping in the kitchen. Both of them used to enjoy their lives, got everything they wished for but I, was only there to work . Maa used to beat me if I didn't finish the chores. I was good at studies and completed them on my own. I used to work to whole day at a cafe to pay my fee." 
"But your papa--",Chaitanya intervened."Papa",she huffed,"He was blinded in love,three of them used to tell him stories about me,how mannerless I was ,and how I hurt Arjun,Mrunali and Maa, fought with them.He believed them and as usual,at the end I was beaten up by him too!".Chaitanya sighed. He had no idea how tough the situation for Diya was." And what about Arjun--",he was about to finish when he found Diya looking at him, terrorised.

"Diya,please,open up to me, otherwise you will feel suffocated".

"Bhai no please don't...Don't touch me", I protested.
"Shut your mouth bi-ch".I have been waiting for this moment forever, wanting to touch you for so long.You have been on my mind forever.",he spoke as he grasped me by my waist and kissed my neck hungrily.
"Arjun come downstairs",Maa said."Arghh!!!Coming.....I'll surely come back to you baby",he left saying this.
"Since then,till--till  today,when---whenever he gets a chance,he comes to me and tries to--

.Yesterday,I went outside for a change,I felt suffocated in the house.I-I knew you wouldn't like it so I decided that I would return in some time.I went to the nearest library  but on my way back home,I saw hi-him following me.He asked me to come along with him but when I refused,he tried to----,I ran away and checked into the nearest hotel", Diya finished.Chaitanya's eyes were red in anger. HOW DARE HE!! 
Controlling his fury, he asked,"Why didn't you call me Diya ?".She looked up to him and said," I knew you would shout at me and wouldn't believe in what I said. Who am I and what importance do I have in you life? Nothing, you wouldn't even care if I live or not, because for you I am nothing but a gold dig----".
Diya's rants were stopped by Chaitanya as he swooped in to kiss her.

It was a kiss full of care and anger, at the same time. She was shocked and tried to resist, but his kiss was fire which melted her body, she felt weak in her knees. He held her waist and pulled her closer.
It was her first kiss.
Chaitanya touched his forehead with hers when they both were out of breath, but as he realised what he had done, he  muttered, "I am sorry" and abruptly left the room.


First kiss!!!!
I was smiling like crazy writing this 😂
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