Family Feud and Unfair Accusations

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The next morning, the Khanna family gathered for breakfast, the air filled with laughter and chatter as they shared stories and jokes over steaming cups of tea and plates of delicious food. Rysa couldn't help but smile as she looked around the table, grateful for the warmth and love of her family.

After breakfast, the cousins decided to continue their game of cards from the previous night. They gathered in a cozy room, sitting cross-legged on the bed as they shuffled the deck and dealt out the cards. The atmosphere was light and carefree as they immersed themselves in the game, the sound of laughter filling the room.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Ria entered the room, her expression petulant. "Can I play too?" she demanded, her voice dripping with entitlement.

Rysa glanced up from her cards, a frown creasing her brow. "Sorry, Ria. We're in the middle of a round. You can join us in the next one," she replied politely, trying to defuse the situation.

But Ria's face darkened with fury at the rejection. "I want to play now!" she insisted, her voice rising in frustration.

Before Rysa could respond, Ria stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing down the hallway. Sure enough, a few moments later, Aunt Neelam appeared in the doorway, her expression stern. "What's going on here?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing as she took in the scene before her.

Ria stood beside her, her lower lip trembling as she recounted her version of events. "Rysa won't let me play cards with them," she sniffed, her eyes brimming with tears.

Aunt Neelam's lips curled into a sneer as she went into Aahans room her voice dripping with accusation. "Is this the kind of behavior you condone in your sister, Aahan?" she asked, her tone laced with contempt.

Moments later, Aahan entered the room, his expression stern as he surveyed the scene before him. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice tinged with authority.

Ria and Aunt Neelam stood beside him, her eyes brimming with tears as she recounted her version of events. "Rysa won't let me play cards with them," she sniffed, her lower lip trembling with indignation.

Aahan's brow furrowed in frustration as he turned to Rysa, his disappointment evident in his eyes. "Rysa, is this true?" he asked, his voice tinged with reproach.

Rysa shook her head, her heart sinking at the unfair accusation. "No, Bhaiya. We're in the middle of a game. She can join us in the next round," she explained, her voice trembling with emotion.

But Aahan's expression remained stern as he regarded his sister. "That's enough, Rysa. You know better than to exclude others," he scolded, his disappointment palpable.

Rysa's cousins tried to explain the situation to Aahan, but he brushed them off, his mind already made up.

Rysa's heart sank at the harshness in Aahan's tone, her eyes filling with tears as she struggled to make sense of the situation. She couldn't understand why her brother would believe Ria's lies over her truth.

In a fit of frustration, Aahan snatched the cards from Rysa's hands and thrust them into Ria's, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "You can play with these," he declared, his voice cold with finality.

With a heavy heart, Rysa followed Aahan out of the room, her head spinning with confusion and hurt. 

"Rysa, go and bring your homework," he said abruptly, his voice firm.

Rysa's heart sank at the command, her protests dying on her lips. With a resigned sigh, she nodded and darted inside, her footsteps echoing in the hallway as she made her way to her room.

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