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After purchasing the Animals album, Angel and Erebus left the record store. Erebus was quick to notice the spring in Angel's step as she clutched the album to her chest, grinning from ear to ear. She had spoken to the cashier about the album (his name was David, and in Erebus's opinion, he was quite uninteresting), and learned that three of the five songs were over ten minutes long. Instead of this information bothering her, she grew even more excited, looking forward even more to listening to the album, and Erebus couldn't help but find her excitement quite cute to watch.

Angel brought Erebus to Crossrose Ice Cream and Soft Pretzel Shop, insisting that he try a chocolate milkshake at least once. Erebus agreed, and Angel paid for two milkshakes and a soft pretzel for them to share, before leading him off again to Crossrose Community Park.

This was something Erebus was more used to. The grass, the trees, the smell of dirt - it was all much more familiar to him than the rest of Crossrose. There were benches underneath the shade of trees, and a playground where children were frolicking, watched closely by parents. Angel led him over to a bench, setting Animals and her notebook down beside her as she sat down, motioning for him to sit beside her.

"This is the park where I found you, right?" Erebus asked as he moved over to the bench, watching Angel closely.

"Yep," she said, nodding as she took a sip of her milkshake. "I love this place. It's good for me to think here, and just watch people... I like meeting interesting people, sometimes." She briefly glanced down at the milkshake that Erebus was holding, looking back up expectantly. "Are you going to try it? It's so good - here..."

She reached over, pulling the lid off of Erebus's milkshake cup. "It's basically blended ice cream and milk, it's harmless."

Erebus huffed softly. "I don't know what ice cream is," he told her, taking a cautious sip from the cup.

"It's amazing, that's what it is," Angel chuckled. "We should get some proper ice cream one day, not milkshakes - what do you think?"

Lowering the cup, Erebus was pleasantly surprised by how it tasted, and this was apparent in his expression. "I like that," he murmured, staring down at the shake as if it had done him a highly beneficial favor. "I really like that."

Angel beamed at him. "Hell yeah," she said. "I thought you would. Maybe I'm prejudiced because I like milkshakes... I think you'll like the pretzel too. It's a bit salty, but I really like it."

She pulled the soft pretzel out of its bag and tore a piece off of it, taking a bite of it as she reached over to grab the notebook she had brought along with her. "I also brought this."

"That's the notebook you had when I found you, right?" Erebus asked.

Angel nodded. "In it, I kept every memory of my adventure with you in Minecraft," she explained to him. "I didn't want to forget any of it - well, most of it, at least. It was just a cool experience in general, and I was wondering if you wanted to read it, just to see things from my perspective, if- if you wanted." Shrugging slightly, she set the book in her lap. "It was just a suggestion, just for something to talk about."

Erebus glanced down at the notebook. "I'd love to read it," he told her. "I think it would be interesting."

"You would?" Angel grinned at him, handing him the notebook. "I mean, if you can even read it, my handwriting is pretty shit... I'm curious to see what your handwriting is like. Given your background, I feel like it would be super fancy."

...𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋, 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 || gameknight999Where stories live. Discover now