7. OPPA!

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Y/n pov
I am waiting for Yoongi oppa in the parking lot but someone put their hand on my shoulder and out of reflex i immediately twisted that hand and was about to hit my elbow on their back but

"Y/n it's me Yoongi!"

I widened my eyes and let go of his hand while the people in the parking lot kept staring at us

"I'm so sorry I thought-" he cut me off saying

"Is anyone trying to touch you without your consent?" He growled and looked directly into my eyes which says name him and he won't be found on this earth, I got chills in my spine but cleared my throat and answered

"N-o I mean no there weren't many people around so i thought anyways where do we have to go?"
He didn't said anything but sat on the bike

"Hop on"

"But my bike-" he again cut me off

"Bodyguard will bring it" I looked around and saw 6, 8, oh hell 20 bodyguards

"Wait 20 bodyguard!" I wispered yelled

"Since you will felt unsafe around so I just added them to increase the security around you"
He said and i blinked
Is he real? Does he really love me that much? Is it possible that I can be this much important in someone's life?

"Y/n!" I flinched

"Ahh yes oppa" he handed me the helmet and i hooped on and we left

At the studio
Y/n pov
Yoongi oppa entered the password and we went inside the studio and it was soo cool and welcoming I really liked the vibe of the studio

"Y/n I want your vocals for the song" Yoongi oppa said so i nodded and took the headphones

"Here are the high notes" i started to practice

After 20 minutes

"Oppa I'm ready" he nodded and I started with the first High note
I finished it and looked at Yoongi oppa I can say he is not satisfied,
Before also when we worked on our project i obversed that he is very hardworking he will keep trying until he hit that note before that he won't stop and also expect that same thing from others

"Ok that was good but try again" I nodded
After 3 takes

"Perfect! Now try the next one " He smiled and passed me the water bottle

I am not confident about the next note because it's different from what I am trained of

"Oppa can you try this first it's different for me" Yoongi oppa took the note and tired it

"Wow oppa you so good at this why don't you put your vocals?" He chuckled and said

"Your vocals would fit better with this one" i nodded and tried

"Good job y/n now last one" he said it with a big smile like a proud brother and hugged him

Yoongi pov

"Good job y/n now last one" I said she is really good at this but suddenly she hugged me and I immediately wrapped my arms around her the urge to protect her and never let anything hurt her was really strong

"Come on" i patted her shoulder

She tried the last note but it took a little time

"It's ok y/n take as much time as you want don't pressure yourself" she signed

"Let me try one more time"

She tried and to be honest it was good

"Ok that's it for today, let's go home everyone is waiting for us at the dinner"
She looked at the watch

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