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??? Shouted and held her before she touch the ground
And placed her on the bed

"Please wait outside you all" the doctor said and started to check her

"Mr jeon, how come you are here?" Hyung-sik asked

"I was here for the business meeting and got to know that y/n is here"

Bangtanbrothers pov

Who informed him? We never did

"Who did this to her?" Dad growled

We didn't said anything but then he held namjoon's collar and yelled

"I asked something" namjoon looked at jin and he shocked his head saying do not say the truth

"I was with her, a sharp iron rod cut her when we were walking back to hotel on her arm so it was necessary for me to bring her here" hyung-sik said and we signed in relief

"She has weakness so let her rest" doctor said and left
Dad also left behind him

"Mom can we talk?" Jin Hyung asked

"Sure dear" jin hyung and mom left

At night

"You guys can go i can stay with her" hyung-sik said

"I will stay here, aren't you tired you are here since morning" Yoongi hyung said

"No, but I'm hungry" he scratch the back of his neck

"Jungkook, Jimin and me are going to buy dinner" hoseok Hyung said

"Why me!" Jimin asked

"Because you are good at finding target- I mean restaurant" our eyes widened but we quickly put the cold face

"Come on, jungkook she is sleeping and will not wake before we come" jimin said being annoyed as jungkook didn't even move from the door keeping an eye on her

"How do you know that?" Jungkook asked

"Because only food can wake her up, now come on" he drag him out of there

"I need some fresh air" taehyung said and went to the rooftop

Taehyung pov

"That can't be true" i halted in my place as I heard jin hyung's voice
I don't know why but my legs never moved forward

"So you are saying that dad-" I saw dad walking towards mom but he couldn't see jin hyung suddenly mom noticed dad and she quickly pushed jin to the opposite side I don't know why she did that

"Who were you talking to?" Dad asked mom but she didn't replied why?

"I asked something!" Dad yelled and began to choke her, I was about to go there but I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Hy-" he quickly cover my mouth and drag me out of there and now we are near emergency exit

"Hyung why didn't you let me help mom?" I asked

"And what were you saying about dad?"
He signed and said

"First tell me how much did you heard?"

"You were saying that can't be true from there itself" he put his hands on my shoulder

"Taehyung don't say this to anyone for now ok?" He said and i nodded

"Words Taehyung!" He sternly said
And I knew this will be something hard to digest

"Yes hyung i won't" I said

"So you know dad-"
He told me everything that mom said to him

"Hyung! That can't be true"
He looked away with tears in his eyes

"Unfortunately it is even i can't believe it" I didn't said anything but just hugged him he did the same
I know how hard it is to keep things to yourself, he is the eldest but never complains about how he neglects himself while focusing on us

"What do you want me to do?" I asked
And he wip my tears

"Nothing just pretend that you don't know anything, I don't know anything" i nodded he knows that I'm great at acting I can pretend and hide things easy even emotion

"Let's go back" he said and i asked

"What about mom?" He thinks for sometime and said

"I will check on her-" i immediately cut him off saying

"No I will go you can't go there twice it will be suspicious" his eyes showed worried

"But taehyung what if-" i cut him off

"Nothing will happen just trust me hyung" he still didn't look agree but still nodded and I ran to rooftop again

For now I came from different direction instead of other and saw mom sitting there i checked all four areas but no one was present
So I immediately ran to mom

"Mom are you alright?" She got so shocked that she was about to hit me
That brought tears in my eyes

"Mom it's me taehyung!" I said and hugged her

"Oh taehyung my baby what are you doing here?" She asked me

"I was here for some fresh air but what happened to you?" I asked and her body got sniff

"Nothing I was too here for fresh air but got dizzy" I can see fingerprint marks on her neck my blood boiled but now it's not the time

"Come on mom let's go the weather is dropping" I helped her stand and we went downstairs

"Taehyung you go first I will come" i know she doesn't want me to get in trouble so I left her near the washroom but said

"Mom wait" I ran outside the building and bought one turtle neck sweater and gave it to mom with some medicine

"Taehyung-" I know what she was going to say so I said

"I saw it mom but don't worry just know that I don't know anything about that for now" she gave me a small smile and said

"Didn't knew tae because this big that he is supporting his mom now" I felt a deep wound healing in my heart when she said this to me i hugged her and left

"I'm hungry!" I pouted as I reached towards y/n's ward

"What you want to eat my son?" I felt disgusted when I heard that my jin hyung gave me a warning glare

"I want to eat what you are eating" I said and he gave me some of his food and I gave him a fake boxy smile

"Wow it's tasty wait did y/n woke up?" I asked

"Yoongi hyung is feeding her" my eyes widened

"He never does that to me let me also join them" i said that because I wanted to run from her far from this disgust
I saw how jin hyung is controlling his laugh


Late update i know! But what to do my exams are going on so I won't be able to post the next parts for few weeks also

I have started a new book called

jungkook is the main lead
Actually i wrote that book a long time ago I was in my draft so I know you will enjoy that book in a mean time

Take care of yourself
Love you all 💝

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