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"Y/n!!!!" Taehyung shouted
Someone tried to shoot her


Bangtanbrothers pov
We heard Taehyung and saw y/n douched the Bullet

Soon y/n and hyung-sik killed everyone   but suddenly y/n fainted and hyung-sik came running towards her, he checked her pules and shouted

"Guards! Quick we need to get to the hospital" then five guards came 3 of them gave the cover to both and 2 of them helped hyung-sik

"what happened to her?"  Taehyung said
"Bullet didn't hit her then how?" Hoseok said
"In which hospital they are talking her!" Jungkook said

"Calm down guys we will reach there in 30 minutes till then Yoongi keep an eye on them" jin said

Hyung-sik pov

"Where is the doctor?" I said

"He is in the operation it will take 5 hours" one of the nurse said

"So what about her?" I looked down towards y/n who is fainted in my arms

"Come with me" nurse took me into a personal ward

"Wait here till another doctor comes" she said

"And how much time it will take?" I asked

"Maybe 30 minutes" she said and i pointed my gun at her my guards were shocked because I am not the one who loose my chill this quick but dame it's about y/n and I can't take any risk atleast this time

"Bring another doctor with 2 minutes otherwise-" I was cut off by

"We will burn this hospital down!" Jungkook said

She immediately nodded and ran to get the doctor and jin started to examine

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"For y/n" i scoffed

"Yeah sure" I heard y/n hissed and i looked back to see jin treating her

"Stay away from her!" I yanked his hand and pushed him
But hoseok punched me

"Say that again and I will throw you out"
I scoffed

"Why are you being this possisve about her? Who is she to you! She is just you step sister-" jimin cut me off saying

"She is our sister" I got confused

"What do you mean?" Yoongi showed me the pdf on his phone

"YOU ARE HER REAL BROTHER!" I yelled and they looked at me like I am an idiot

"Yes" jungkook said while holding tears in his eyes looking at y/n

"Can you all please wait outside" doctor came and went all went outside
But I told our female bodyguard to stay inside

"Why did you told her to stay inside?" Namjoon asked

"For security reasons" i hesitately answered
He nodded but still not agreed with my answer
Doctor came out and I was about to ask some questions but

"Doctor how is she?" Taehyung asked
"She is alright?" Namjoon asked
"If anything happens to her you are dead!" Jimin held the doctor's collar
"Why are you not speaking!" Jungkook yelled

"You guys" i pushed them away "you need to calm Yourself" I turn to doctor who seem normal but shocked because seven man freaking out over a girl sorry for Mafia Queen well that is something they would like to know but wouldn't dare cause you know y/n right

"How is she?"

"The poison has affected her body but she will wake up with in 2 days" i nodded and he left

"Poison?" Jungkook asked

"She had a cut in her arm which that fucker drag into her skin that too it was poisoned knife" i could see jungkook frowning in angry but Yoongi kept his hand on his shoulder and he immediately calm down

"You can meet her now" nurse said as she came out of the ward

"I was 5 bodyguard near ward 396 and whole area shut down" I said to one of our trusted bodyguard

"What's all this security for?" Jin asked

"Just to make sure..." I paused

A knife landed exact an inch away from my neck

"If they find out I'm a Mafia Queen then you are dead Hyung-sik!"
I put my hands up

"They won't!" She nodded

"So is it ok if they find out that you know that they are your real brothers?" I quickly moved away and a knife landed while my head was a moment ago

"I COULD HAVE DIED!" she glared

"I wish but I guess maybe some other day" she said

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY OTHER DAY!" she didn't said anything but walked away

Flashback ends

"Uh you know Queens&Kims?" He nodded

"Yes the multi-billion dollar company,
No.1 among the company"

I simled and replied
"Well your sister, sorry step-sister is the owner of the company"

"What!" Hoseok stood up
"No way!" Taehyung lean towards me
"You kidding?" Jin asked
"I don't believe that" jungkook said
"Nice joke" namjoon said
"And I am a Mafia" Yoongi said

They all looked at him with a shocked face then towards me and for 2 seconds i forgot to act


"It's a sarcasm" I made a relax face

Bangtanbrothers pov
"Hyung we got to find who did this..." Jungkook said

"On that" Yoongi who was continuously typing on the laptop

"Black Titans, attacked on y/n?" Jimin said out loud

"But why?" Hoseok asked

"They are Mafias, what's the connection between them and y/n?" Taehyung asked

"Only one person can answer that" namjoon said as he was looking outside the window

"Hyung-sik" jin said while caring y/n's hand which was covered with different wires

Our heart clenched
We swear who ever did this we would burn them alive or worst

Keep them alive and would burn them for years

"Sir they know" i chuckled

"Bring my favourite wine" his eyes widened

"S-sir aren't you allergic to wine?"

"It's not for me" he signed in relief and went away

"For how long will you hide it?" A women said

"Till i succeed" ?? Said

"Aren't you already?" Women said

"Not until I see them on their knees"
Women scoffed

"The one who will kneel is right in front of me" women said and left

"Sir your wine" ?? Took it and smashed it on the ground


I know it's a short chapter but I hope you liked it

Can you guess who ?? Is....

Love you all 💝

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