14. DAD?

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"Yes mom after all it's about DAD"
Y/n said

Y/n pov

We all took our seats in my room
"So I got to know when I was around 5 or something"


"Don't you even dare to touch my kids!"
I was running in the hallway when I heard dad talking to someone so I peeked inside the room and saw dad talking to someone while facing the large window

"I don't care about the money you want it you take it just leave us-" dad suddenly went silent

"YOU BASTARD! SAY THAT AGAIN!" he put the phone on speaker so I was able to hear that person's voice

"I want the money and your wife or should I say my lov-" before he could finish the sentence dad smashed the phone I don't know why but I went in and dad suddenly lifted me and hugged me tightly

"You heard?" I nodded

I was small but dad always saw me as her warrior not some princess who cry over her chocolates

"Who was that dad?" Dad signed and told me everything

"Dad i know you are a Mafia king" dad was shocked about how did I even find out

"From when?" He gently cupped my face and I saw the worried expression

"It was one rainy night and I loved rain so I went downstairs but I heard some noise so I followed it and saw our bodyguard talking and you had a gun"
Dad placed me on his chair

"Curiosity does kill you" i chuckled but suddenly dad said

"Y/n you can't say anything to others understood? Not even your mom" i nodded and he ruffled my hair


"Wait" jimin said

"How do you remember it till now?"

"I don't but after what happened I can't forget it even if my memory gets erased" I said and countinued


"I want icecream! She eat mine hyung i want icecream I want it now!" Jungkook whined

"Ok ok we are going" jin said

"I'm coming too!!!" Y/n said jumping

"No you are not" jungkook said

"I am" y/n shouted

"No" jungkook pushed y/n

"Oppa!" She made a crying face

"Fine but only one icecream alright?" Hoseok said and y/n hugged him tightly not leaving him so he picked her up and they went to car

"I want strawberry icecream"
Y/n said while holding jungkook hand
How much they fight but nothing can separate them all the bangtanbrothers knew this

"Hyung, a minute ago they were fighting and now see again back to duo!" Hoseok whispered to jin

"I think jungkook kicked her in the race of sperms so she came a bit late to smack the hell out of him" hoseok and jin laughed when jungkook shouted


"Not again" both hoseok and jin said in union

Jin pov

We finally eat the ice-cream and getting into the car when another car came and yanked y/n's hand from jungkook's
He tried his best to not let her go but
He slash the knife into jungkook's skin and he groans

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