Chapter 1

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After Lieutenant Andrea Herrera  divorced her husband Lieutenant Robert Sullivan, 3 years ago, she decided that she was done mixing her personal and professional life. She had been fuck buddies with Jack Gibson, who at the time was also a Lieutenant. After Gibson, she went on and slept with her captain, Robert Sullivan, before he was demoted for stealing drugs from the PRT. They got married within a month of being together. during the mist of their divorce, she was forcefully transferred to station 23. She ended up sleeping with 19's new captain, Sean Beckett. She noticed how messy her life had become, so she decided that she wouldn't date a firefighter.

Since the transfer 3 years ago, she was reinstated at station 19. She worked along side Lieutenant Maya Bishop, Travis Montgomery, Jack Gibson, Lieutenant Theo Ruiz, Victoria Hughes, Lieutenant Robert Sullivan, and Ben Warren.

Chief Ross had asked Andy to be intern captain, but she declined. Andy didn't want a temporary spot. She deserved a permanent spot at captain. Ultimately because Herrera had declined, Ruiz got to fill in as acting captain.


Over the last few weeks Andy and Vic have been throwing subtle glances at each-other, small touches when simultaneously doing chores around the station, and overly compensating compliments. Although Theo and Vic were in a relationship, which had been declining horribly since he became captain because of his lack of self-confidence. Hughes and Herrera still had thought these were innocent gestures as they both still thought and considered themselves straight.

Over the past few weeks Vic had been leaving her apartment earlier in the morning to meet up with Andy for coffee and take walk while drinking their coffee.

Andy- "You want to be my work-out buddy?"

Vic- "You know I hate working out."

Andy- "It's good for us firefighters to work out."

Vic- "Fine, but you owe me a coffee every morning."

Andy- "My pleasure"

After they had finished their coffee, they had started jogging around the park and to the station. When they arrived they headed to the showers to get ready for their shift.

Everyone was doing their own thing. Bishop and Gibson were cleaning the ladder, Hughes and Montgomery were checking and stocking the aid car, Herrera and Warren were cleaning the engine, and Sullivan was on desk duty.

Vic had made a few glances towards Andy when she wasn't watching and of course Andy had done the same. Andy started to become confused has to why she felt different than how she did with Robert just from a few glances and hand brushes.

Why does Vic's compliments give her butterflies or her touch give an electric sensation shooting through her veins. When that light brush of Vic's fingers leave her skin, she instantly craves more. Of course she had always thought that her friend was pretty. Doesn't everyone? Why does she feel like she's an outsider from everyone else. Like she needs to force her self to love men and feel what she feels around Vic towards men, just like when she was married to Robert. She feels like she can't like Vic because she's her friend, and well to be completely honest why would she feel that way towards a woman. She had always been with men, but why, just why does she feel this way? It may be confusing to her, but if she were to ask any queer person majority of the answers would be the same.

All those thoughts had been racing through her mind and Herrera hadn't even realized that they all went up to the beanery for lunch. They had all signaled for her to follow and eat, but she hadn't moved. After minutes of Andy not following the group, Vic went back down to the barn to see Andy zoning out.  Vic could tell when her friend was overthinking. Andy would bite her lip and have this look in her eyes that shouted that she had a hundred different thoughts racing through her mind and she couldn't figure out what to do with them. Vic knew that no matter what she said, it wouldn't get her out of her daze, so Vic went up behind her and put one hand on her back and the other on her jaw to turn Andy's face towards her.

Andy- "Wha- What? Did you say something?"

Vic- "Andy, what's going on? You're overthinking. What are you thinking about?"

Andy- "It's nothing. Uh- I-I should go up."

Andy walked fast up into the beanery, passing everyone as she walked towards her bunk before shutting and locking her door. She laid in her bunk staring at the ceiling, going over and over through the thoughts she was having...She knew she needed answers, but where was she going to get them from? Internet? No. You can't always trust that. Maya or Travis? No because they would find out about Vic. Wait. Why does she even care about finding out about Vic if she claims to think that is just innocent friendly gesture. Never mind Whatever. Diane? It would be confidential, so no one would find out about how she was feeling.

Just like that, she had texted Diane about needing to talk when she had the time. They made an appointment for 2pm at the station, the next day.

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