Chapter 4

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Andy was discharged 2 months ago. She had been living with them for 2 months, but her recovery isn't over yet. She's able to go back to work today, but is strictly on desk duty. She had been ignoring calls and texts from her friends.

Andy got up at 5am to take a shower and get ready. She went into the kitchen and started coffee before making bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Link woke up to the delicious smell and walked into the kitchen.

Andy- "Good morning"

Link- "Good morning. How do you feel about going back to work today."

Andy- "Not prepared for all comments my team will make and not so thrilled about being on desk duty, but It will be good."

Link- "If you need anything, you know where Jo and I will be"

Andy- "How many pancakes?"

Link- "3. Can I ask you something?"

Andy- "Yeah. What is it?"

Link- "I bought plane tickets to Italy for next week to surprise Jo. Amelia will be in Minnesota for a conference. i was wondering if you'd feel up to watching Scout and Luna."

Andy- "Of course. I'll still be on desk duty, so I can bring them into work and show them around."

Link- " Thank you so much."

Jo- "What are we talking about."

Link- "i'm taking you somewhere next week"

Jo- "What about the kids?"

Link- "Andy agreed to watch them"

As Andy arrived at the station, she took a deep breath before entering. She changed into uniform and went to the front desk. She had a lot of time to figure herself out. she didn't want to label herself yet, but she was sure that she liked women. She had hoped that some time away from Vic would do her justice and get rid of her feelings, but of course it hadn't. As soon as Andy met with Vic's gaze, she had the same feeling in her chest as before.

Vic decided she wasn't gonna try talking to Andy because the last time she did, it didn't go well. As everyone had arrived and breakfast was made, Maya and Ben had came down stairs.

Maya- "Hey. How you feeling."

Andy- "Better than I did 2 months ago" she said chuckling.

Maya- "Why didn't you answer us? We haven't heard from you in 2 months."

Andy- "I need time for myself and I just got cleared for desk duty."

Ben- "Well there's breakfast in the beanery."

Andy- "I had breakfast before I came in"

Maya- "Cereal from a box is not a breakfast."

Andy- "I had bacon, eggs, and pancakes."

Everyone started to eat when Maya and Ben came back up.

Vic- "Is she eating with us?"

Maya- "She ate before she came in"

Gibson- "Cereal right out of the box isn't breakfast"

Maya- "I said the same thing, but she said she has bacon, eggs, and pancakes."

Vic knew she had to go to the barn because she left something in there and it would require walking past Andy. Vic made her way down the stairs.

Andy- "Hughes can we talk?"

Vic- "What's there to talk about? You didn't want to talk before"

Andy- "Please Vic"

Vic- "Fine. Let's go to the turnout room."

They went to the turnout room and closed the door.

Vic- "What do you need"

Andy- "I'm sorry for boxing every one out especially you. I'm sorry for lashing out at you when I woke up. I'm sorry for ignoring everyone for 2 months. I was going through something and I couldn't talk about it. I was confused and angry with myself."

Vic- "It's fine."

Andy- "No it's not. You've been avoiding me all morning because of the way I treated you, so ask me whatever you want."

Vic- "Who did you stay with during your recovery?"

Andy- "I have a sister. The doctor that came in when I lashed out. That was my sister."

Vic- "Why didn't you want to tell us about your sister."

Andy- "It's my personal life Vic. I know we are family, but there are some stuff that I haven't told anyone."

Vic- "What were you confused and angry about"

Andy- "I know I told you that you could ask me anything, but I'm not ready for that question yet"

Vic- "Andy please" she said as she grabbed Andy's hand.

As much as she wanted to she couldn't resist Vic.

Andy- "Fine. I recently realized that I like women."

Vic- "Andy you could've told me. I would've been there for you. Helped you through it"

Andy- "Why Vic. Why would you"

Vic- "It doesn't matter"

Andy- "Why Vic"

Vic- "My god Andy. Can't you see?"

Andy- "See what"

Vic- "Oh my god Andy. I have feelings for you" she accidentally blurted out.

Vic- "I uh- I mean- I should go"

Andy- "Wait!" she said as she pulled Vic back into the room by her wrist.

Andy pulled her back and started kissing her. They were making out in the turnout room for 5 minutes. Andy's hands started to travel all over Vic's body.

Vic- "Andy" she said as she pulled away.

Andy- "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have"

Vic- "It's okay Andy. I just need to break things off with Theo. We weren't working anyway and I have liked you for weeks now. It's not fair to him. I have to end things with him first. Find me tomorrow at the firefighters ball."

Andy- "Okay" she said as she let go of Vic.


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