Chapter 15: The Court

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Kagome was lying across Goku's warm chest with his arms wrapped around her as they slept completely sated after a night of confession. The morning rays of the sun shone through the window landing on her face and causing her to stir. She tried to roll away, but his arms tightened.

"Where are you going?" Goku asked, smiling down at her.

She sighed. "I need to turn, the sun's in my eyes."

He loosened his grip, allowing her to roll off of him onto her side. He then spooned behind her and they went back to sleep for a while longer. It was mid-morning when Kagome woke up again to hear Natsu crying from the bedroom.

"I guess it's time for feeding Natsu," Kagome said quietly.

"Why don't you take a shower while I'll take care of Natsu? It's my turn, anyway." Goku suggested.

She smiled. "That sounds perfect."

Kagome then went to the bathroom getting herself a clean shower while Goku went to check on Natsu before he would feed him the baby food.

Suddenly, the phone rang from the living room. Goku went to get the phone and answered, "Hello?"

"Goku, it's time." He blinked in response, recognizing Bulma's voice.


After a while, they went to the Capsule Corp to meet up with Bulma during the discussion.

"I had hired a lawyer who can help you file a divorce to get Chichi out of the picture," Bulma said.

"How about we should arrest her since she tried to steal Goku's money?" Kagome asked. She looked at Goku who looked a bit concerned then she looked back at Bulma.

"If she is a thief, then we should arrest her," Bulma said, struggling off.

"What are they going to do with me and Natsu? What will happen to him?" Kagome asked, worried.

"You're Natsu's biological mother. You should be taking custody of him ever since you became a mother." Bulma said.

"What if Chichi wins? What if she takes Natsu for custody?" She asked, scared.

Then Goku took her hand, rubbing it. He gave her a kind smile, doing his best to calm her down. "Don't worry, Kags. Everything is going to be okay. I assure you the judge will allow you to take custody of him. Chichi isn't fit to be the mother after all. I mean, she isn't Natsu's mother."

Bulma gave Kagome an encouraging smile. "He's right. When everything is settled, you still can take custody of the boy."

"What about Chichi's child? What will they do to her when Chichi is arrested?" Kagome asked.

"Probably Kenji will take custody of her or maybe they will send her to the orphanage. I'm not sure what they will do to the poor baby." Bulma said, now feeling bad for Chichi's daughter. She knew she was just a baby, but she began to feel bad when the baby was alone with no real parents taking care of her.

"I don't Kenji would since he likes to fool around with Chichi a lot. I was thinking I could take custody of her the same way I would do that for my son." Kagome said.

Goku blinked, shocked. "Are you sure? I mean, I don't know if the judge would allow it."

"If Kenji isn't fit to be the father and Chichi gets arrested, I'll be the one to take care of her like she was my own. I'll talk to the lawyer before the trial starts." Kagome said.

Goku let out a smile a bit. "I suppose you were right. If Dusk was alone, we'll take her in."

Kagome grinned. "That would make us family again."


It was then they went to the court to have the divorce get it done.

During the court, Goku explained to the judge that his ex-wife had used him for money after the marriage and even used Kagome to produce a child with him so she could be the surrogate mother by ruining her life. Kagome admitted having her son didn't ruin her life, only Chichi who had given her a life purpose. He also told the judge Chichi had been cheating on him with another man and had been pregnant with another man's child.

Kagome told the judge and the jury she wanted to take custody of Natsu, though she was still dating Goku after she admitted.

"You slept with Goku!?" Chichi shrieked in shock after hearing this.

Kagome glared at her. "Why do you care, Chichi? You never care about him more than yourself and the money. Why don't you shut your mouth for a second?"

Chichi let out a scoff in anger.

The judge stared at Kagome calmly. "If you and Goku were dating, then that is a personal one that varies from couple to couple. Or you two might consider getting married, so you won't be taking custody of the baby."

Her face went red. She looked away awkwardly. Goku does the same.

Kagome looked back at the judge. "Maybe taking more time would be fine with you."

"If it's too early, then perhaps give it more time when you two are ready to be married," the judge said, giving her a kind smile.

Kagome smiled.

So the court went on when it was Chichi's turn. She admitted the crime she had by attempting to divorce Goku to steal his money so she would get away. She explained that turned out she became pregnant with another man's baby after the affair she had. Chichi told the judge and the jury she didn't mean to ruin Kagome's life by turning her into a mother after the agreement they had almost three years when Kagome had agreed to get fertilized by Goku. She also attempted to adopt Natsu as he was her child but turned out she was caught by Kagome and Bulma.

After the explanation, the jury finally made their decision.

"We the jury grant the divorce to be finalized also for Goku and Kagome to take custody of Natsu Son Higurashi and Dusk since these two are unmarried while being together and Chichi to be arrested for stealing the money." The jury said.

"Then she was found guilty of the crime she had committed. I hereby sentence ten years of prison." The judge said, ending the discussion.

Then the guards took Chichi away. Chichi looked at Goku and Kagome one last time before being taken away.

"Take care of my daughter for me. I'm sorry for everything." Chichi called out to them.

Kagome waved at her goodbye. "We will."

With Chichi gone, now Kagome began to celebrate victory. As she did, she went to see Natsu as she hugged him in victory and reunion. Bulma congratulated her and Goku for winning the trial. Then she went to check on Dusk and told her she would be taking care of her. She assured Dusk that she would never be alone this time now she had her new family.

Fertilization // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now