✳︎Sometimes woods aren't friendly✳︎

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"You can't catch me~!!"
"What!? Of course I can!!"
"He's got a point zes"

'Kids,, I wish I was one,, again,,' a black cat sitting on a log, thought to him self.

The place that the black cat was sitting was quite a beautiful place. There was a forest behind him, but it wasn't too overgrown.
And in front of him, there was a village, but some of the houses were built into the trees, with the hose front poking out.
The village was all connected by bridges, connecting from tree to tree.

This black cat wore a cream colored blouse, black jeans, big round glasses, and brown boots. He was reading a book called 'souls of death' and in his opinion, was a great book. He also had a basket, which was full of books and herbs. As his gaze returned to his book, someone called his name, "oliver!!" Said a kind voice. Oliver turns to see a deer, wearing: a sweater, blue jeans, and black shoes. "Hey willow" Oliver called back as the deer approached him. "Have you seen buster??" Willow asked looking around. "No actually, sorry." He said apologetically. "I did see him last at the market place though," Oliver said looking concerned. "Ah, hopefully he didn't crash the markets." Willow said in a matter of fact voice. "Say, have you met conner on the way here??" Oliver purred. "Oh yes, actually I have. He was sleeping on a tree, witch is weird, considering he's a dog," willow looked confused as he said himself. "Oh ok thank you, do you want help finding buster??" Oliver said kindly. "Oh, no it's ok olive, I can find him" Willow said as he trotted towards the market place. "Ok then," Oliver said to himself as he looked back at his book. Just then two pairs of paws covered his eyes and said: "guess who~" a playful voice said behind him. "Conner I know that it's you" Oliver chuckled as he spoke. Both the paws lifted, as Oliver saw the beautiful woods again. "Aw man.." said Conner. Conner was a golden retriever, wearing a: white shirt, brown jacket, baggy black trousers, white boots, and two cream colored bags, that were straped to his belt. Conner was wagging his tale excitedly, at the sight of his love, Oliver.
"Hey, willow was looking for buster, do you know where he is??" Oliver asked quietly. "Oh, buster?? I think I saw him at the market, yelling at the poor trader." Conner said as both of them chuckled.

"Hey eun," a crow landed onto Oliver's shoulder. "I  H.A.V.E.  a name, idiot." The crow said. "Right sorry Robbin." Oliver snickered. this is Robbin, he Carries a lantern all the time, and has a blue scarf.
Robbin is quite unique, since he has two, white, black, and blue, feathers (that he collected) on his tail.

"NO ABSOLUTELY NOT, I WILL NOT" a loud voice echoed through the forest trees. It was buster and Willow.
And finally, this is buster, bustier is a brown and white rabbit, with both of his ears pointed upward. Buster is quite a
Tough guy, compared to his size. Buster wore: a red scarf, a blue'ish vest, black trousers, and black boots.

"Whoa so everyone is here," Oliver chuckled. "Yea" Conner replied, looking around.
"So what do you say we do today??" Robbin said casually. "Oh what abou-" Oliver trailed off, because he thought he saw something in the trees. It wore a skull with red markings, and a green tribe outfit. Oliver froze, he blinked, and it was gone.
"Olive??" Buster said concerned. "Huh??" Oliver said still looking at the trees. "You good??" Willow said. "Uh- yea yea.. um.. I'll be right back.. you guys carry on." As he said this he sat up and started to walk towards the trees where he saw it. "Hey where are you going??" Conner asked. "I'll be right back" Oliver replied as he slipped through the trees.
The walked a few more steps into the forest when he herd something in the bushes.

"AGHH!!" Oliver shouted as he was knocked down.

🌺To be continued..🪷


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